RAL 4009 #A38995 Pastel violet RAL 4010 #C63678 Telemagenta RAL 4011 #8773A1 Pearl violet RAL 4012 #6B6880 Pearl blackberry RAL 5000 #384C70 Violet blue RAL 5001 #1F4764 Green blue RAL 5002 #2B2C7C Ultramarine blue RAL 5003 #2A3756 Sapphire blue RAL 5004 #1D1F2A Black blue RAL 50...
RAL 4009 #A38995 Pastel violet RAL 4010 #C63678 Telemagenta RAL 4011 #8773A1 Pearl violet RAL 4012 #6B6880 Pearl blackberry RAL 5000 #384C70 Violet blue RAL 5001 #1F4764 Green blue RAL 5002 #2B2C7C Ultramarine blue RAL 5003 #2A3756 Sapphire blue RAL 5004 #1D1F2A Black blue RAL 50...
In 1927 the German RAL organization invented a collection of 40 colors. Prior to that date manufacturers and customers had to exchange color samples t...
RAL 4005 RAL 4006 RAL 4007 RAL 4008 RAL 4009 RAL 5000 RAL 5001 RAL 5002 RAL 5003 RAL 5004 RAL 5005 RAL 5007 RAL 5008 RAL 5009 RAL 5010 RAL 5011 RAL 5012 RAL 5013 RAL 5014 RAL 5015 RAL 5017 RAL 5018 RAL 5019 RAL 5020 RAL 5021 RAL 5022 RAL 5023 RAL 5024 RAL 6000 RAL 6001 RAL...
RAL is a color matching system that defines colors for paints, coatings and plastics. On this website you find all RAL colors (2,831). RAL Classic is ...
RALColors颜色标准(国际色标).pdf,RAL - classic colors The visualization of the colors on the screen is conditional based on the characteristics of the monitor and the particular graphics card. This technical data chart is intended as a reference guide onl
RAL工业国际标准色卡对照表(颜色+名称) 热度: 相关推荐 RAL-classiccolors Thevisualizationofthecolorsonthescreenisconditional basedonthecharacteristicsofthemonitorandtheparticulargraphicscard. Thistechnicaldatachartisintendedasareferenceguideonly. RALComputerVideosimulationsdisplayedmaynotexactlymatch RAL®-identified...
RALColors颜⾊标准(国际⾊标)RAL - classic colors The visualization of the colors on the screen is conditional based on the characteristics of the monitor and the particular graphics card.This technical data chart is intended as a reference guide only.RAL Computer Video simulations displayed may...
RAL K7 international standard color card is a must-have for professionals in the design, architecture, and manufacturing industries. This tool part is not just a color card; it's a comprehensive guide to the RAL color system, featuring a meticulously curated selection of 210 colors that span ...
Four digital RAL color card has been choose color standard since 70. In the beginning only 40 different colors so far has developed for more than 200 kinds. Matt basic standards is the color of light and shade RAL840 - HR, lustrous color tone This standard is RAL841 - GL. These two co...