THEREFORETHISCHARTSHOULDBE TREATEDASAGUIDEONLY! Formoreinformationandactualcolourmatchesplease contactyourlocalSikaTechnicalRepresentative. RAL1000 RAL1001 RAL1002 RAL1003RAL1004RAL1005 RAL1006RAL1007RAL1011 RAL1012RAL1013RAL1014 RAL1015RAL1017RAL1018 RAL1019RAL1020RAL1021 RAL1023RAL1024RAL1027 RAL1028RAL1032RA...
RAL 国际(德国)标准色号、色差电子版对照图 RAL Colour Chart The Colours Depicted On The Following Chart Are For Guidance Only. The Displayed Colour Will Depend On Your Monitor And Browser Settings. The Finished Colour, Therefore, May Not Be As Shown Here.RAL 1000 Green Beige RAL 1001 Beige RA...
In 1927 the German RAL organization invented a collection of 40 colors. Prior to that date manufacturers and customers had to exchange color samples to describe a tint, whereas from then on they would rely on numbers. With tints constantly added to the collection, the collection was revised in...
RAL 1000 CMYK 10 10 50 10 RAL 1001 CMYK 20 50 20 RAL 1002 CMYK 20 60 10 RAL 1003 CMYK 5 20 90 RAL 1004 CMYK 5 30100 RAL 1005 CMYK 10 30100 RAL 1006 CMYK 5 30 90 RAL 1007 CMYK 40100 RAL 1011 CMYK 30 40 70 RAL 1012 CMYK 10 10 90 RAL 1013 CMYK 5 20 10...
RAL is a color matching system that defines colors for paints, coatings and plastics. On this website you find all RAL colors (2,831). RAL Classic is ...
免费在线预览全文 RAL色号对照图表 ZERO RAL COLOUR CHART paints RAL 1000 RAL 1001 RAL 1002 RAL 1003 RAL 1004 CMYK 10 10 50 10 CMYK 0 20 50 20 CMYK 0 20 60 10 CMYK 5 20 90 0 CMYK 5 30 100 0 RAL 1005 RAL 1006 RAL 1007 RAL 1011 RAL 1012 CMYK 10 30 100 0 CMYK 5 30 90 0...
RAL Colour Chart The Colours Depicted On The Following Chart Are For Guidance Only. The Displayed Colour Will Depend On Your Monitor And Browser Settings. The Finished Colour, Therefore, May Not Be As Shown Here. RAL 1000 Green Beige RAL 1001 Beige RAL 1002 Sand Yellow RAL 1003 RAL 1004 ... or www.hiroboy.comRAL COLOUR CHART
RAL_国际(德国)标准色号、色差电子版对照图ZERO paints RAL COLOUR CHART RAL 1000 RAL 1001 RAL 1002 RAL 1003 RAL 1004 CMYK 10 10 50 10 CMYK 0 20 50 20 CMYK 0 20 60 10 CMYK 5 20 90 0 CMYK 5 30 100 0 RAL 1005 RAL 1006 RAL 1007 RAL 1011 RAL 1012 ...