This page shows RAL color 5015 with the color name Sky blue. This RAL color is in the Blue hues category, part of the RAL Classic color system.
This page shows RAL color 5010 with the color name Gentian blue. This RAL color is in the Blue hues category, part of the RAL Classic color system.Color name Dutch: Gentiaanblauw Color name German: Enzianblau Color name French: Bleu gentiane Color name Italian: Blu genziana Color name ...
RAL COLOR CHART,RAL色卡Name Illustration R,G,B (0..255) CIELAB L*, a*, b* RAL 1000 Green beige 214, 199, 148 +76,10, -00,56, +26,69 RAL 1001 Beige 217, 186, 140 +73,80, +05,24, +25,77 RAL 1002 Sand yellow 214, 176, 117 +72,10, +07,16, +35,49 RAL 1003 ...
德国RAL色卡(RAL Colour Chart) 热度: CMYK印刷色卡(CMYK Color Chart) 热度: 国标色卡与ral对照表 RAL(劳尔)色标对照表 热度: 相关推荐 Sika(NZ)Ltd Thecoloursinthischartmaydifferfromtheactualcolour ofthecoatingsduetocomputersystemsandprinter variations. THEREFORETHISCHARTSHOULDBE TREATEDASAGUIDEONLY!
RAL 标准颜色表(RAL Color Chart) 根据经典RAL系统,本网页显示RAL标准颜色的概览。RAL用于信息,为图画和涂层定义标准颜色。现在,它是最流行的中欧颜色标准。这些颜色广泛用于建筑学,建筑物,工业和道路安全。 图表中的RAL颜色尽可能的匹配真实颜色,但这张表不作为RAL颜色产品标准。显示的颜色取决于你的监控器和打印机...
RAL Color Chart色彩对照表
colorcard) ColorchartcolorcontrasttableofRALcolorcard Thebeginningofthenumber"1" 1000GreenBeigemgreen 1001Beigebeige,paleyelloworgrayyellow 1002Sandyellowsandyellow 1003Signalyellowsignalyellow 1004Goldenyellowgoldenyellow 1005Honeyyellowhoneyyellow 1006Maizeyellowcornyellow ...
RAL COLOR CHART,RAL色卡 Name Illustration R,G,B (0..255) CIELAB L*, a*, b* RAL 1000 Green beige ? 214, 199, 148 +76,10, -00,56, +26,69 RAL 1001 Beige ? 217, 186, 140 +73,80, +05,24, +25,77 RAL 1002 Sand yellow ? 214, 176, 117 +72,10, +07,16, +35,49 RAL...
RAL Color Chart色彩对照表.pdf 相关文档 文档介绍 文档介绍:RAL 色彩对照表 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 5007 崧蓝紫色 紫蓝色 蓝绿色 群青蓝 蓝宝石蓝 蓝黑色 信号蓝 亮蓝色 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 灰蓝色 天青蓝 龙胆蓝色 钢蓝色 淡蓝色 钴蓝色 鸽蓝色 天蓝色 5017...
此套裝有 2 個 App RAL colors. Home wall painting 參考 NCS color chart. 3D fan deck 參考 螢幕截圖 iPhone iPad 描述 Hurry up and buy a package of two apps at a significant discount! These apps are made for true professionals! Thousands of architects, designers, engineers and just ...