This page shows RAL color 7001 with the color name Silver grey. This RAL color is in the Grey hues category, part of the RAL Classic color system.
Color chart color contrast table of RAL color card The beginning of the number "1"1000 Green Beige m green 1001 Beige beige, pale yellow or gray yellow 1002 Sand yellow sand yellow 1003 Signal yellow signal yellow 1004 Golden yellow golden yellow 1005 Honey yellow honey yellow 1006 Maize ...
德国RAL色卡(RAL Colour Chart) 热度: CMYK印刷色卡(CMYK Color Chart) 热度: 国标色卡与ral对照表 RAL(劳尔)色标对照表 热度: 相关推荐 Sika(NZ)Ltd Thecoloursinthischartmaydifferfromtheactualcolour ofthecoatingsduetocomputersystemsandprinter variations. THEREFORETHISCHARTSHOULDBE TREATEDASAGUIDEONLY!
RAL is a color matching system that defines colors for paints, coatings and plastics. On this website you find all RAL colors (2,831). RAL Classic is ...
RAL 7001 Silver grey 135, 148, 166 +62,00, -02,42, -04,37 RAL 7002 Olive grey 122, 117, 097 +53,00, -00,19, +11,00 RAL 7003 Moss grey 112, 112, 097 +51,00, -01,22, +06,89 RAL 7004 Signal grey 156, 156, 166 +65,00, +00,07, -01,00 RAL 7005 Mouse grey 097,...
RAL COLOR CHART,RAL色卡 Name Illustration R,G,B (0..255) CIELAB L*, a*, b* RAL 1000 Green beige ? 214, 199, 148 +76,10, -00,56, +26,69 RAL 1001 Beige ? 217, 186, 140 +73,80, +05,24, +25,77 RAL 1002 Sand yellow ? 214, 176, 117 +72,10, +07,16, +35,49 RAL...
RAL 国际(德国)标准色号、色差电子版对照图 RAL COLOR CHART *** This Chart is to be used as a guide only. Colors May Appear Slightly Different *** RAL 1000 Green Beige RAL 4007 Purple Violet RAL 7008 Khaki Grey RAL 1001 Beige RAL 4008 Signal Violet RAL 7009 Green Grey RAL 1002 Sand ...
In 1927 the German RAL organization invented a collection of 40 colors. Prior to that date manufacturers and customers had to exchange color samples t...
This page shows RAL color 7000 with the color name Squirrel grey. This RAL color is in the Grey hues category, part of the RAL Classic color system.
RAL 颜色标准 RALColorChart RALcolorchart(approximatecolors)RAL1000RAL1001RAL1002RAL1003RAL1004RAL1005RAL1006RAL1007RAL1011RAL1012RAL1013RAL1014RAL1015RAL1016RAL1017RAL1018RAL1019RAL4006 .HellofromDavidStiebel RAL1020RAL1021RAL1023RAL1024RAL1027RAL1028 RAL4007RAL4008RAL4009RAL5000RAL5001RAL5002RAL5003RAL5004...