本文将主要介绍 Cosos Creator 缓动中常见的一些用法和接口。 构造缓动 通过tween 方法或使用 new Tween<T>(target: T) 都可以构造缓动。 注意:‘tween’ 是引擎提供的工具方法,并非 ‘Tween’ 的成员,请注意区分。关于这点可以参考接口说明: 缓动接口。
The action system that Cocos Creator provides originates from Cocos2d-x with both the API and usage having been inherited. The action system can complete displacement, zoom, rotate and all the other actions of the node within a designated time. ...
// 比如构造参数使用cc.Node let node: cc.Node; let tween = new Tween(node) .to({x: 100}, 1000) .start(); // node销毁后,不需要手动销毁tween,框架内部会自动销毁 node.destory(); // 或者主动绑定一个cc.Object类型的对象 let comp: cc.Component; let tween = new Tween({a: 1}) .to...
详见 https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/zh/shader/surface-shader.html(渲染调试功能 - 运行时使用渲染调试) 添加 tween `destroySelf` 方法用于在节点执行动画时销毁当前节点 当 UI 元素 Opacity 为 0 时跳过渲染 减少微信小游戏在 iOS 14 高性能模式下的 GFX Buffer 内存消耗 Editor 支持烘培高精度光照...
Cocos simplifies game creation and distribution with Cocos Creator, a free, open-source, cross-platform game engine. Empowering millions of developers to create high-performance, engaging 2D/3D games and instant web entertainment. - cocos-engine/cocos/tw
cc.tween(this.node).to(...).stop() 4.计时器 this.schedule(function,interval,repeat,delay) this.scheduleOnce(function,delay) this.unschedule(function) this.unscheduleAllCallbacks(); 5.事件监听 node.on(eventType|string,function,this)
this.node.setWorldPosition(tempV3);//方法2:使用 setter this.node.worldPosition=tempV3;两种方法是...
We are using Cocos Creator's easing system cc.Tween can easily implement some animations. In the previous week, I said every entity is a node cc.Node. This node can actually have many attributes, such as position, rotation angle, color, anchor, transparency. With the easing system, you ca...
Unity 开发PC游戏的效果会比Cocos Creator好。所以如果你是做2D游戏,偏移动端,建议选Cocos Creator,...