.withAppContext(AppActivity.this)// Context 上下文 .withClientId("nN7RH4JntmB6vngt0l")// 开发者中心对应 Client ID .withClientToken("oGLtCFzTsqioTm0hcIXbMVetOMUntKuc9fCiCBwl")// 开发者中心对应 Client Token .withServerUrl("https://www.biliking.com") // 开发者中心 > 你的游戏 > 游戏服...
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[FIX] Project_creator supports creating project at any folder and supports UI [Android] [NEW] build/android-build.sh: add supporting to generate .apk file [NEW] Bindings-generator supports to bind 'unsigned long'. [FIX] XMLHttpRequest receives wrong binary array. [FIX] 'Test Frame ...