If you have already created UI and want to convert it from a 2D canvas to XR UI, you can follow these steps. Method 1 Right-click in the Hierarchy and create an empty node (name it UIRoot). Add the RenderRoot2D component to the node, which will automatically add the UITransform...
Removes a component identified by the given name or removes the component object given. You can also use component.destroy() if you already have the reference. metadescription Defined in cocos2d/core/utils/base-node.js:983 Deprecated please destroy the component to remove it. Parameters component...
fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 2)); console.log('"type": "module" has been added to package.json'); } else { console.log('"type": "module" already exists in package.json'); } } else { console.log('package.json does not exist in the target directory')...
1. New CharacterController component: for role-playing and action games, it can significantly reduce the cost of character development and has built-in character control capabilities which can naturally interact with the environment. 2. Constraints: Added ConfigurableConstraint component, which can be ...
Support copy and paste component values. Configuration Visual macro configuration A shortcut is provided to modify the engine macro configuration. The configured macro will take effect during the preview and build. At the same time, the default value of the current macro configuration will be update...
Node '%s' is already activating 3817 Sorry, the component of '%s' which with an index of %s is corrupted! It has been removed. 3818 Failed to read or parse project.json 3819 Warning: target element is not a DIV or CANVAS 3820 The renderer doesn't support the renderMode %s 3821 Cannot...
[REFINE] UI: Refined ComponentContainer to improve performance. [REFINE] UI: EventListenerMouse will dispatch EventMouse events. [REFINE] OpenGL: Added check for glfwCreateWindow. [REFINE] Platform: Fixed a crash on xiaomi2 if Cocos2d-x is built as a dynamic library. ...
import { _decorator, Component, Node, tween, v3, Vec3 } from 'cc'; const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; const positionTmp = new Vec3(); const positionTmp2 = new Vec3(); @ccclass('TweenTest') export class TweenTest extends Component { @property(Node) targetNode: Node | nul...
Node '%s' is already activating 3817 Sorry, the component of '%s' which with an index of %s is corrupted! It has been removed. 3818 Failed to read or parse project.json 3819 Warning: target element is not a DIV or CANVAS 3820 The renderer doesn't support the renderMode %s 3821 Cannot...
cc.errorID(3816, node.name); return; } node._activeInHierarchy = true; // component maybe added during onEnable, and the onEnable of new component is already called // so we should record the origin length let originCount = node._components.length; // activate components for (let i ...