So firstly, before you jump up and down screaming how “Gold” is not a victory condition: we know. However, Gold is one of those elements in the game that can substantially boost your path towards any victory type if utilized correctly. It can help you defend, buy buildings and barter....
Use two cities and the Panama Canal to make 7 contiguous land tiles passable by ships 2 guides When Diplomacy Fails Have a fully upgraded Giant Death Robot capture a city 2 guides Let Our Powers Combine Have a city with a Wind Farm, Solar Farm, Hydroelectric Dam, and Geothermal Plant ...
the goal is still to spread your influence and/or giant death robots across the map to achieve victory, but Civ 6 has introduced additional mechanics to consider, like district
{{Culture5}} and {{GoldIcon5}} [[Gold (Civ5)|Gold]] costs of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% in this [[city (Civ5)|city]].]=]; GoldMaintenance=1; MutuallyExclusiveGroup=-1; Cost=75; HurryCostModifier=25; MinAreaSize=-1; PlotCultureCostModifier=-25; PlotBuyCostModifier=-25;...
Because available projects is blank I am clued in to click on the green tiles. List of things to build are very clear: vs. The build ship part is not easy to find. It has a very large colored bar telling me how long it will take to build. Because it’s 29 weeks it’s orange ...
Eventually, you should strive to be able to look at a newly-settled city and have an idea of where everything is going to go centuries down the road. Don’t ever hesitate to leave some tiles blank, saving a spot for a late-game district or wonder that will pay back your patience ...
Settler has to make a new destination 6 tiles NE of Entremont since an Iroquois warrior occupies the original destination. Wa4 joins WG1 to guard them. 44 1990BC-Lugdunum founded 6 tiles NE of Entremont, order granary there - citizen on N cattle. Entremont grows, change prod from warri...
In Despotism, the standard government, all tiles that produce 3 or more food/shields/commerce will produce one less. That’s why grassland (2 food), when irrigated (+1 food) in Despotism, will only produce 2 food (2 + 1 – 1 = 2). That’s why it is best to mine grassland, ...
It works two cow tiles and generates +6 per turn. Halt growth is turned on and the next turn the city is still Size 2 at 24/24 Halt growth is turned off and the next turn the city is Size 3 at 18/24 Without Halt Growth button, the city reaches Size 3 at 6/24 and then Size...
this is not always the case. Map (Appeal Borders Continent Tile) One of the most important aspects of Civilization 6 is decision-making. Temple of Artemis. Faith purchasing of units or buildings in districts on those tiles. By giving all tiles of the civilization +2 Appeal (not only in ...