So, be sure to consider how you intend to play: what is your ultimate goal? Victory Type Legend: Dom: Domination Sci: Science Cul: Culture Reli: Religion Dipl: Diplomacy Gol: Gold Tot: Total Civilization Dom Sci Cul Reli Dipl Gold Total Tier Japan (Hojo Tokimune) 7 7 7 7 4 6 38 ...
#723Map sizes have changed to avoid black map when zooming out (random maps only, doesn't affect existing savegames) Added proper error message windows. Also message windows will no longer show error icon and error sound. #813: Button to filter Yields in City Screen to only available ones...
2) Plot Culture and Determining Who Owns a Tile Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 3) Land Target Mechanics 4) War Success Mechanic - Getting the AI to talk and capitulate during war 5) Diplomacy Modifiers - What are they, how do I gain them, and how do I get rid of them? 6) Flavors - Wha...
Fixed an issue where the tooltips overlap in the right tray when the Show Yields in HUD Ribbons is set to Always Hide [off] in the Pirates scenario. Fixed an issue with text overrunning the spaces provided in various locations throughout the game. Last edited: Jan 28, 2021 Keeper o...
This is the repository where the mod resides. . Contribute to We-the-People-civ4col-mod/Mod development by creating an account on GitHub.
All districts receive +1 to their respective yields for every 2 edges bordered by the Great Wall. Cities within 4 tiles of a chunk of Great Wall receive Ancient Bedrock, allowing the construction of Ancient Walls without meeting other prereqs. ...
Now, I see you've already simplified the yields by stacking for every GRH constructed, and that's more than adequate, but in regards to my last idea, what if instead of % modifiers it was just flat yields based on relative distance to closest owned city? This way, cities benefit simil...