碧云天生产的Circular RNA Synthesis Kit,即环状RNA合成试剂盒,是一种非常便捷和高效的通过酶学方法将单链RNA (ssRNA)转化成环状RNA (circRNA)的试剂盒。合成的circRNA可以用于转染细胞研究circRNA的生物学功能等。
碧云天生产的Circular RNA Synthesis Kit,即环状RNA合成试剂盒或环形RNA合成试剂盒,也称Circular RNA Preparation Kit即环状RNA制备试剂盒或环形RNA制备试剂盒,是一种非常便捷和高效的通过酶学方法将单链RNA (ssRNA)转化成环状RNA (circRNA)的试剂盒。合成的circRNA可以用于转染细胞研究circRNA的生物学功能等。近期有研究表...
CircularRNASynthesisKit生物制药 广州华韵生物科技有限公司 CircularRNASynthesisKit生物制药试剂是生物实验与研究的关键工具。店内提供的华韵生物品牌试剂,规格10ml,储存稳定且工作温度为25℃,精度高达±0.05。产品符合中国药典标准,低内毒素、低DNA含量,安全可靠。此外,店内还有Matrigel基质胶,含有层粘连蛋白与IV型胶原蛋白...
吉赛生物已自主研发试剂十余项,包括miRNA抽提纯化试剂盒、BCA试剂盒、stripping Buffer试剂盒、GAPDH内参抗体、ECL发光液、TRIZOL LS等,在研项目三项。企业凭借精湛的技术服务平台和技术服务团队,已为广大科研工作者
碧云天生产的Circular RNA Synthesis Kit,即环状RNA合成试剂盒或环形RNA合成试剂盒,也称Circular RNA Preparation Kit即环状RNA制备试剂盒或环形RNA制备试剂盒,是一种非常便捷和高效的通过酶学方法将单链RNA (ssRNA)转化成环状RNA (circRNA)的试剂盒。合成的circRNA可以用于转染细胞研究circRNA的生物学功能等。近期有研究表...
mRNA synthesis IVT templates for mRNA synthesis were PCR amplified for 30 cycles using forward and reverse mRNA oligos (Supplementary Table1) and column purified before RNA synthesis. mRNA was then synthesized using the HiScribe T7 High Yield RNA Synthesis Kit (NEB) with the following modifications...
Unmodified linear mRNA or circRNA precursors were synthesized by in-vitro transcription from a linearized plasmid DNA template using a T7 High Yield RNA Synthesis Kit (New England Biolabs). After in vitro transcription, reactions were treated with DNase I (New England Biolabs) for 20 min. ...
Total RNA was extracted with Trizol reagent (Takarashu, Otsu, Japan), and RNA concentration was measured using a dicinchoninic acid (CC) kit (Invitrogen). For miRNA, cDNA was produced using the TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit (Takara), while PrimeScript™ RT Reagent kit (TaKaRa...
After the extraction of total RNA from the cells and tissue using TRIzol reagent, the cDNA was synthesized using random oligo or stem-loop primers by the RevertAid First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) for RNAs (circRNA, miRNA, mRNA). RT-PCR was carr...
Total RNA was extracted from HCC cell lines and tissue using Trizol solution, and complement DNA was generated using the Golden 1st cDNA Synthesis kit (Haigene, China) following RNA quantification. qRT-PCR assays were performed using Power SYBB Green PCR Master Mix (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, ...