The PyMOL color set for atoms is now provided in the ELEMENT array, and can be used with visual specifications identically to using the Jmol color set. Updated glMatrix to version 1.2.3. Fixes Scaling 3D scenes is now more consistent as the scaling magnitude is now a function of the dime...
Well-defined electron density in the difference map was observed for bound Cbi as well as the side chain of W66 after initial rigid-body refinement using BtuF devoid of substrate (Fig. 2A). The structure of Cbi-bound BtuF was similar to that of Cbl-bound BtuF (pdb ID 1N4A) with ...
A sAumsummamryaoryf doifffdeirfefnertetnetchtencihqnuieqsuueseudsfeodr fPoCr MPCpMolpymolyermizeartiizoantioisnriesprepsernestendteind in TabTleab4.le 4. Table 4. Summary of different PCCs using different techniques of PCM polymerization. Methods Blocked PCC Polyurethane PCM Thermoplastic poly...
For wPDI-substrate interaction analysis, LigPlot was used to analyze the hydrophobic interactions and PyMol was used to analyze the hydrogen bonds [40]. 5. Conclusions The highly conserved amino acid residues in wPDI impart it the possibility to recognize the repetitive domains of HMW-GS. The ...