panel.grid = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0))+ labs(y="",x=NULL)+ scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-30,30), breaks = seq(-30,30,10))+ scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0.5,3.5), breaks = c(1,2,3), labels=c("SOC con...
代码语言:javascript 复制 annotation_custom2<-function(grob,xmin=-Inf,xmax=Inf,ymin=-Inf,ymax=Inf,data){layer(data=data,stat=StatIdentity,position=PositionIdentity,geom=ggplot2:::GeomCustomAnn,inherit.aes=TRUE,params=list(grob=grob,xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax,ymin=ymin,ymax=ymax))} 这个是在网上...
In this article, you will learn how to modify ggplot labels, including main title, subtitle, axis labels, caption, legend titles and tag. Plot title and subtitle provides insights into the main findings Caption are generally used to describe the data source Tag can be used for differentiating ...
After running the previous R syntax the Base R scatterplot with manually specified decimal places on the x-axis shown in Figure 2 has been created.Example 2: Change Number of Axis Label Decimals in ggplot2 PlotIn Example 2, I’ll explain how to change the number of decimals in ggplot2...
Next, we can create and draw a ggplot2 barchart with default axes: ggp<-ggplot(data, aes(x, y))+# Create ggplot2 barchart with default y-axisgeom_bar(stat="identity")ggp# Draw ggplot2 barchart with default y-axis The output of the previous syntax is shown in Figure 3: A ggplot...
ggplot(aes(x = RC10)) + geom_bar(fill = c("#e9ffbe", "#ffff73", "#ffaa00", "#ff5500", "#e60000")) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(1, 1.8, 2.6, 3.4, 4.2, 5), limits = c(0.5, 5)) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1900)) + geom_text(stat='count', aes(label...
(),axis.line=element_line(),panel.grid=element_blank(),axis.ticks.y=element_blank(),strip.text=element_text(hjust=0))+labs(y="",x=NULL)+scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-30,30),breaks=seq(-30,30,10))+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0.5,3.5),breaks=c(1,2,3),labels=c("SOC ...