void fragmentMain(FragmentInput fsInput, inout czm_modelMaterial material) { float _baseHeight = 0.0; // 物体的基础高度,需要修改成一个合适的建筑基础高度 float _heightRange = 60.0; // 高亮的范围 float _glowRange = 300.0; // 光环的移动范围(高度) float vtxf_height = fsInput.attributes.posit...
void fragmentMain(FragmentInput fsInput, inout czm_modelMaterial material) { material.normal = texture(u_normalMap, fsInput.attributes.texCoord_0); material.diffuse = v_selectedColor; } ` }); 具体的参数及含义如下: 更为具体的CustomShader使用可参考CustomShader指南:CustomShaderGuide 通过阅读这份指南...
voidmain() {// Material colors and other settings to pass through the pipelinesczm_modelMaterial material = defaultModelMaterial();// Process varyings and store them in a struct for any stage that needs// attribute values.ProcessedAttributes attributes; geometryStage(attributes);// Sample textures...
u_colorIndex ); vsOutput.positionMC += 0.1 * vsInput.attributes.normal; }`, fragmentShaderText: `void fragmentMain( FragmentInput fsInput, inout czm_modelMaterial material ) { material.normal = texture2D( u_normalMap, fsInput.attributes.texCoord_0 ); material.diffuse = v_selectedColor; }...
2. czm_modelViewProjection:这是顶点着色器中的内置变量,用于将模型视图投影矩阵应用于顶点位置。 3. czm_materialInput:这是片段着色器中的内置变量,用于传递材质输入信息,如纹理坐标、法线等。 4. czm_viewDirectionEC:这是片段着色器中的内置变量,用于表示从摄像机位置指向片段的方向。 5. czm_lightDirectionEC...
"czm_material material = czm_getDefaultMaterial(materialInput);\n" + "vec2 st = materialInput.st;\n" + "vec4 colorImage = texture2D(image, vec2(fract(st.s - time), st.t));\n" + "material.alpha = colorImage.a * color.a;\n"+ ...
vec4 positionPC = czm_modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye * p; gl_Position = positionPC; } `; let shipPrimitive = new Cesium.Primitive({ asynchronous: false, geometryInstances: shipGeometryInstances, appearance: new Cesium.MaterialAppearance({ ...
uniform vec4 color;uniform vec4 sectorColor;uniformfloatwidth;uniformfloatradians;uniformfloatoffset;czm_materialczm_getMaterial(czm_materialInput materialInput){czm_material material=czm_getDefaultMaterial(materialInput);vec2 st=materialInput.st;floatdis=distance(st,vec2(0.5));floatsp=1.0/5.0/2.0;flo...
gl_Position = czm_modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye * p; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 0. 预备知识 Cesium 拥有一个小规模的内置 glsl 库,预置了非常多 czm_ 开头的函数、结构、常量。在自定义着色器的 Appearance、Material 类中,...
u_colorIndex ); vsOutput.positionMC += 0.1 * vsInput.attributes.normal; }`, fragmentShaderText: `void fragmentMain( FragmentInput fsInput, inout czm_modelMaterial material ) { material.normal = texture2D( u_normalMap, fsInput.attributes.texCoord_0 ); material.diffuse = v_selectedColor; }...