2. czm_modelViewProjection:这是顶点着色器中的内置变量,用于将模型视图投影矩阵应用于顶点位置。 3. czm_materialInput:这是片段着色器中的内置变量,用于传递材质输入信息,如纹理坐标、法线等。 4. czm_viewDirectionEC:这是片段着色器中的内置变量,用于表示从摄像机位置指向片段的方向。 5. czm_lightDirectionEC...
void main(void){ vec4 position = czm_inverseModelView * vec4(${v_position},1); // 位置 gl_FragColor = ${color}; // 颜色 gl_FragColor *= vec4(vec3(position.z / 50.0), 1.0); // 渐变 // 动态光环 float time = fract(czm_frameNumber / 100.0); time = abs(time - 0.5)*2.0 ...
ModelAnimationLoop czm_antialias czm_columbusViewMorph czm_computePosition czm_currentFrustum czm_eastNorthUpToEyeCoordinates czm_ellipsoid czm_ellipsoidContainsPoint czm_ellipsoidNew czm_ellipsoidWgs84TextureCoordinates czm_emptyRaySegment czm_encodedCameraPositionMCHigh czm_encodedCameraPositionMCLow czm_entire...
model.customShader = new Cesium.CustomShader({ fragmentShaderText: ` #define ROOF 0 #define WALL 1 void fragmentMain(FragmentInput fsInput, inout czm_modelMaterial material) { int featureId = fsInput.featureIds.featureId_0; if (featureId == ROOF) { material.diffuse *= vec3(1.0, 1.0, ...
gl_Position = czm_modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye * p; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 0. 预备知识 Cesium 拥有一个小规模的内置 glsl 库,预置了非常多 czm_ 开头的函数、结构、常量。在自定义着色器的 Appearance、Material 类中,...
gl_Position= czm_modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye * p; 它就是把 p 这个由czm_computePosition而实际是由czm_translateRelativeToEye函数(三维模式下)算来的齐次坐标,转换到裁剪坐标,并交给gl_Position这个 WebGL 变量,进入片元着色阶段。 4. AutomaticUniforms.js ...
Like all automatic uniforms,czm_modelViewdoes not need to be explicitly declared. However, it can be explicitly declared when a shader is also used by other applications such as a third-party authoring tool. vec4eyePosition =czm_modelView* modelPosition;...
voidmain() {// Material colors and other settings to pass through the pipelinesczm_modelMaterial material = defaultModelMaterial();// Process varyings and store them in a struct for any stage that needs// attribute values.ProcessedAttributes attributes; ...
v_positionEC = (czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * p).xyz; v_normalEC = czm_normal * normal; v_st = st; v_outWidth = czm_batchTable_outWidth(batchId); v_color = czm_batchTable_color(batchId); v_outColor = czm_batchTable_outColor(batchId); ...
gl_Position = czm_modelViewProjection * vec4(position,1.0); }`;letviewModel={steps:200,threshold:0.6}functionupdatePostProcess(v){}constgui=newdat.GUI()gui.add(viewModel,'threshold',0,1,0.01).onChange(updatePostProcess)// 按钮gui.add(viewModel,'steps',0,300,1).onChange(updatePostProcess)...