Trademarks and Patents Cell Signaling Technology is a trademark of Cell Signaling Technology, Inc. SignalStain is a registered trademark of Cell Signaling Technology, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Visit for more informa...
因此,临床策略应该诱导癌症自主的免疫刺激信号,同时限制PD-L1介导的免疫逃避,从而增强抗肿瘤免疫反应。 2024年1月,Cell上发文题为“SMARCAL1 is a dual regulator of innate immune signaling and PD-L1 expression that promotes tumor immune evasion”的文章,在本研究中,发现DDR因子SMARCAL1通过两种互补的机制促进...
近日,来自美国哥伦比亚大学的Alberto Ciccia研究小组在Cell杂志上发表题为SMARCAL1 is a dual regulator of innate immune signaling and PD-L1 expression that promotes tumor immune evasion的研究论文,这篇文章发现DNA易位酶SMARCAL1通过两种不...
Similarly, the PD-1–PD-L2 binding transiently recruited SHP2, which induced dephosphorylation of TCR/CD3 complexes and their downstream signaling molecules at the TCR microclusters to suppress T cell responses. Our imaging system revealed the competition between PD-L1 and PD-L2 in binding to PD...
图源| 01、靶向PD-1和TREM2的CAR-T 除了遗传和表观遗传外,肿瘤微环境(Tumor microenvironment, TME)对结直肠癌的进展和发病率有重要影响,TME由浸润免疫抑制髓细胞和调节性T细胞的程序性LAG-3、PD-1/L...
近日,来自美国哥伦比亚大学的Alberto Ciccia研究小组在Cell杂志上发表题为SMARCAL1 is a dual regulator of innate immune signaling and PD-L1 expression that promotes tumor immune evasion的研究论文,这篇文章发现DNA易位酶SMARCAL1通过两种不同的机制促进肿瘤免疫逃避:它通过限制内源性DNA损伤来抑制cGAS-STING通路,...
在多个相互关联的营养感知系统中,胰岛素和IGF-1信号通路(Insulin and IGF-1 signaling, IIS)轴、mTOR和AMP活化蛋白激酶(AMPK)通路,以及去乙酰化酶的Sirtuin家族,在衰老和癌症的代谢失调中发挥重要作用。IIS途径体现细胞葡萄糖水平,是进化过程中最保守的衰老控制途径。在人类和模式生物中,降低该通路中心成员活性的遗传...
他们的研究最近发表在《Cell Reports》杂志上,题为:“JAK1 signaling in dendritic cells promotes peripheral tolerance in autoimmunity through PD-L1-mediated regulatory T cell induction” 免疫系统保护身体免受各种感染,并区分外来威胁和身体自身组织。T细胞是免疫...
Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) express PD-L1 and contribute to the immune-suppressive tumor microenvironment. Although the role of the PD-L1 and PD-1 interaction to regulate T-cell suppression is established, less is known about PD-L1 signaling in macrophages and how these signals may affect...
PD-1是应用最广泛的免疫检查点抑制剂靶点,在治疗黑色素瘤和非小细胞肺癌等肿瘤中获得较好的临床收益(详见BioArt报道:Nature背靠背 | IL-2和PD-1阻断协同治疗中干细胞样CD25+CD8+T细胞的作用机制;Immunity | PD1-IL2v联合抗PD-L1疗法可...