老年人的线粒体功能和1-碳代谢低于年轻人CD4+ T细胞,提示T细胞衰老与1-碳代谢失活之间可能存在联系。下文作者2发现老年小鼠中,P4亚群(P1至P4亚群由CD44和CD62L阳性定义:CD44low/CD62Lhigh (naive; P1), CD44high/CD62Lhigh (central memory; P2), CD44high/CD62Llow (effector/memory; P3), and CD44lo...
初始T细胞(Naive):CD44low/- CD62L+ 中央记忆T细胞(Tcm):CD44high CD62L+ 效应记忆T细胞(Tem)或...
Yamada H, Matsuzaki G, Chen Q, Iwamoto Y, Nomoto K. Reevaluation of the origin of CD44(high) "memory phenotype" CD8 T cells: comparison between memory CD8 T cells and thymus-independent CD8 T cells. Eur J Immunol. 2001; 31 :1917–1926....
CD44 is expressed by hematopoietic, non-hematopoietic cells, epithelial tissues, and to filopodia in cultured keratinocytes. Further, bone marrow myeloid cells and memory T cells express CD44 at high levels, and peripheral B and T cells can upregulate the expression of CD44 in response to certain...
Furthermore, paclitaxel-resistant ovarian cancer cells have shown an increased CD44 expression level compared to paclitaxel-sensitive cancer cells (Gao et al., 2015). CSCs with CD44high/CD24low antigen on the cell surface have been more resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Also, CD44 ...
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cells to CD3 redirection in the bone marrow microenvironment.Blood Cancer Journal.2020;10 (6))。为了鉴定可以介导这种抑制的其他蛋白质,考虑了在AML中涉及细胞‑细胞表面相互 作用的各种候选蛋白质。一种特定的蛋白质CD44已被证明有助于HSC和LSCs的粘附性质 (Schroeder T等人,Mesenchymal stromal cells in myelo...
CD44highCD62L“)wasincreased(P<0.01)and proportionofC1)4 Tmemorycells(CD4 CIM4highCD62L )wasdecreasedinmodelgroup(P<0.O1).Comparedwiththemodelgroup,theproportionof C1M Teffective(. 'ellsinQCSgroupand5-ASAgroupweredecreasedsignificantly(P<0.01);theCD4TmemorycellsinQCSgroupwassignificantly increased...
Further analysis showed that more than 85% of IFN-g þ cells were CD8 SP T cells, and also they can exhibit high expression of CD44 (Figure 5c). As showed in Figure 5d, almost all the IFN-g þ cells were CD44hi among CD8 SP T cells, and the percent of CD8 þ CD44hiIFN-g...
Further, bone marrow myeloid cells and memory T cells express CD44 at high levels, and peripheral B and T cells can upregulate the expression of CD44 in response to certain stimulatory events. Transcripts for the CD44 gene undergo complex alternative splicing that results in many functionally...