为了探讨B细胞中CD44表达与SLE发病机制之间的关系,对SLE患者和健康对照(Healthy controls, HCs)的外周血单核细胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cells, PBMCs)进行了流式细胞分析。与HCs相比,SLE患者CD19+ B细胞、naïve B细胞、Tra-B细胞、记忆B细胞和浆细胞中的CD44+CD62L-细胞出现频率显著增加,而CD44+CD62L+...
结论:小鼠脾脏淋巴细胞体外培养后,细胞表面标记物 CD44和CD62L 发生巨大变化,CD62L 呈现明显下调趋势,接近消失,CD44 也有下调。[关键词] 表面标记物;小鼠;淋巴细胞Changes of cell surfa c e markers CD3,CD4,CD44,CD62L on mouse spleen lym-phoc y t e s a f ter cu l tur e in vitroLI Yan-Chun...
【关键词】溃疡性结肠炎;清肠栓;葡聚糖硫酸钠;CD44;CD62L;T淋巴细胞;小鼠 【中图分类号】 R285.5 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】 1007—1334(2014)05—0104—05 Efectof“QingchangSuppository”onexpressionofCD44andCD62LinsplenicCD4 T—cellsin
Selective modulation of T cell memory markers CD62L and CD44 on murine draining lymph node cells following allergen and irritant treatment[J]. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 1997, 146(1 ) : 1 -10.Gerberick GF, Cruse LW, Miller CM, Sikorski EE, Ridder GM: Selective Modulation of T Cell Memory ...
Mouse CD4+T cells develop in the thymus and are released as naïve T cells that also express CD62L and low levels of CD44. These cells differentiate into subsets of specialized effector T lymphocytes in response to distinct environmental cues and the activation of specific transcription facto...
REGULATORY T cellsIMMUNOSUPPRESSIONDEMOGRAPHIC characteristicsCYTOKINESPATIENT monitoringIMMUNE responseIntroduction: This study clarified the expression changes and clinical significance of CD44 CD62L Treg and CD44CD62L Treg subsets in the peripheral blood of patients with allergic rhinitis (AR)...
KEY WORDS:estrogen receptorα; pituitary ; immunohistochemistry ; ratCD62L、CD44 在着床期表达的研究 *李宾 1 , 周春喜 1 , 陈幼珍 2 , 王黎明 1 , 王妮 2 , 曹泳清 2(1.解放军总医院医学实验测试中心流式细胞室, 北京 100853;2.中科院动物所生殖生物学国家重点实验室, 北京 100080) 胚泡着床是一...
中文名称: Recombinant Human CD44/CD4+/CD62L- 规格: 10ug ; 50ug ; 500ug ; 1mg 外观(性状): Lyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered solution of 20mM PB, 150mM NaCl, pH 7.4. 纯度: ≥95% as determined by reducing SDS-PAGE. 储存条件: Lyophilized protein should be stored at ≤ -20°C,...
SELL L-selectin/CD62L protein, recombinant IL2RB IL-2R beta/CD122 protein, recombinant CEACAM3 CEACAM-3/CD66d protein, recombinant LILRA2 ILT1/LILRA2/LIR-7 protein, recombinant CD40LG CD40 Ligand/TNFSF5 protein, recombinant LAG3 LAG-3 protein, recombinant CD151 CD151 protein, ...