(AAV) by the identification of activated B cells in granulomatous lesions and the efficacy of B cell depletion in treatment of AAV patients in the current study; we aimed to investigate the frequency of a specific B cell subset, IgD-CD27 hi CD38 hi B cells in AAV patients, and its ...
Figure 1. Plasmablasts from patients with dengue show three distinct clusters based on their transcriptome (A) Experimental setup: Plasmablasts (CD19+IgD−CD27+CD38+) were sorted from the blood of five dengue-infected patients 4–9 days after fever onset for single-cell RNA-seq analysis (Sm...
我们观察到在大多数扁桃体中,CD70 仅在部分 IgD-,CD38-B 细胞群体中表达,这已被描述为记忆 B 细胞。但是,在测试的扁桃体的 10%中,发现了 CD70 + IgD + GC。CD70 + GC B 细胞是小细胞,也表达 CD44 和 CD39,但分别是 CD10- 和 CD38-,这表明它们代表了正在形成 GC 的新近移民。[14] 。然而最近研...
falciparum transmission on development of B cell subsets, PBMCs were stained with CD19, IgD and CD27 mABs to discriminate naive (IgD+CD27-) from three memory B cell subsets; classical (IgD-CD27+), non class-switched (IgD+CD27+) and IgD-CD27-. This latter subset is a heterogeneous ...
Doublets were excluded based on forward scatter (FSC) profiles, and dead cells and T cells were excluded by gating 7-aminoactinomycin D–negative (7-AAD−) and CD3− cells, respectively. B-cell subsets were defined as: B1 cells, CD19+CD20+CD27+CD43+CD38lo/int; naive B cells, CD19...
B cell populations in BLT mice according to CD27/IgD and CD38/IgD co-expression patterns.Francisco MartinezTorresTomonori NochiAngela WahlJ. Victor GarciaPaul W. Denton
Comparison of B cell populations between naïve and PC-KLH immunized BLT mice using CD27/IgD and CD38/IgD co-expression patterns.Francisco MartinezTorresTomonori NochiAngela WahlJ. Victor GarciaPaul W. Denton