CD1c(BDCA-1)+树突细胞分离试剂盒开发用于从PBMC分离CD1c(BDCA-1)+髓样树突细胞(MDC; 1型MDC或cDC2)。这种新的形式允许有选择地去除最近已经显示可能会污染最终DC群体的CD14+骨髓细胞。 CD1c(BDCA-1)抗原在树突细胞上特异性表达,并且CD11chighCD123low代表人血液中骨髓树突细胞的主要亚组。 CD1c(BDCA-1)...
(Mono-DC) wing was the major cellular source of SRC, among which the higher expression of the SRCs in the monocyte was associated with the asymptomatic COVID-19 patients, while the quantity-restricted and function-defected CD1C-CD141-DCs were recognized as the key signature which linked to ...
Abbreviations, CD numeration, and alternate names: DEC-205 (CD205), B220 (CD45R), PDCA-1 (plasmacytoid DC Ag-1; CD317; Bst2), Siglec H (Sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectin H), Langerin (CD207), CD141 (BDCA-3), CD1c (BDCA-1), and CD303 (BDCA-2). Dendritic cell ...
and instead produced high levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 and regulatory molecules IDO and soluble CD25. Moreover, E. coli-activated CD1c(+) DCs suppressed T-cell proliferation in an IL-10-dependent manner. Contrary to their mouse CD8(+) DC counterparts, human CD141(+) DCs...
Human CD141+ (BDCA-3)+ dendritic cells (DCs) represent a unique myeloid DC subset that cross-presents necrotic cell antigens The characterization of human dendritic cell (DC) subsets is essential for the design of new vaccines. We report the first detailed functional analysis of ... SL Jong...
Human CD141+ (BDCA-3)+ dendritic cells (DCs) represent a unique myeloid DC subset that cross-presents necrotic cell antigens The characterization of human dendritic cell (DC) subsets is essential for the design of new vaccines. We report the first detailed functional analysis of ... SL ...
(B) Comparison of the number of Birbeck granules per cell section between CD14+ monocytes and CD1c+ DC cultures. *P < .01. (C) Extended phenotype of LC-like cells (CD1c+) compared with primary Langerhans cells (Langerhans). Shaded histograms, isotype controls; gray line, CD1a and ...
IF "%WDIR%"=="%CD%" goto baseDirNotFound set WDIR=%CD% goto findBaseDir :baseDirFound set MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR=%WDIR% cd "%EXEC_DIR%" goto endDetectBaseDir :baseDirNotFound set MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR=%EXEC_DIR% cd "%EXEC_DIR%" :endDetectBaseDir IF NOT EXIST "%MAVEN_...
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FLT3-ligand treatment of humanized mice results in the generation of large numbers of CD141+ and CD1c+ dendritic cells in vivo. J Immunol. Feb 15;192(4):1982-9. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1302391. Epub 2014 Jan 22.Ding Y, ... Vuckovic,Khalil,O'Keeffe,... - 《Journal of Immunology Off...