UNII号 TYR224OK86 化学名 CD19 POSITIVE CELLS 结构式图片 ITIS 180092 NCBI 9606 扩展信息 VIP试用医疗器械查询APP下载客服中心常见问题数据可视化数据分析挖掘系统网站地图业务介绍友情链接 400-678-0778 投诉热线: (023) 6262 8397 邮箱: tousu@yaozh.com QQ: 236960938 友情链接: 药物...
Zhu B, Huang J. Successful treatment and clear- ing of circulating CD19-positive cells by rituximab in a child with idiopathic membranous nephropa- thy. Pediatr Nephrol 2011; 26: 637-638.Successful treatment and clearing of circulating CD19-positive cells by rituximab in a child with ...
3.Baker DJ, June CH. CAR T therapy extends its reach to autoimmune diseases. Cell. 2022 Nov 23;185(24):4471-4473. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.10.026. 4.Bergmann C, Müller F,et al. Treatment of a patient with severe systemic sclerosis (SSc) using CD19-targeted CAR T cells. Ann Rhe...
细胞类型B cells 产品线EasySep™, RoboSep™ 适用物种小鼠 实验方法和说明书下载 Miltenyi StraightFrom Leukopak CD19 MicroBead Kit, human/人StraightFrom Leukopak CD19磁珠 产品类型:B细胞分选 规格:for 0.5 Leukopak 130-117-021 我要询价 添加
CD19 overexpression lysate was created in Baculovirus-Insect Cells, HEK293 Cells and intended for use as a Western blot (WB) positive control. Purification of CD19 protein from the overexpression lysate was verified. CD19 cDNA Clones (39) ...
应用Positive Control; Immunogen; SDS-PAGE; WB.如果需要有生物活性的蛋白,请参见活性蛋白。 规格:10μg 50μg 200μg 1mg 1g (保证有货万一缺货免费重做) 储存:避免反复冻融。2-8°C不超过一个月,-80°C不超过12个月。 CD19分子(CD19)重组蛋白表达服务—原核表达 ...
·论著·CD19、CD27 和 CD38 标记的 B 淋巴细胞亚群在系统性红斑狼疮外周血中的分布及临床意义张智贤 1 ,何秋莹 2 ,鲍蕴文 1 ,丁睿 1 ,曾华 11. 中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院检验科,广东 广州 510120;2. 中山大学附属第一医院检验科,广东 广州 510080摘要:目的 研究系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者外周血中 B 淋巴...
Description: The MB19-1 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse CD19, a 95 kDa transmembrane glycoprotein. CD19 is expressed by B cells during all stages of development excluding the terminally differentiated plasma cells. Follicular dendritic cells also express CD19. Together CD21, CD81, MHC c...
First reported a 26-year-old male with T cells acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) revealed a t(1;19) (q23;pl3), which is a characteristic translocation of childhood B cells ALL. The blast cells were positive to CD2, CD3, CD7, cytoplas... G He,D Wu,X Zhang,... - 《Leukemia Res...
CD19-Specific CAR-T Cells that Express a PD-1/CD28 Chimeric Switch-Receptor is Effective in Patients with PD-L1 Positive B-Cell Lymphoma.Clin Cancer Res.2020.Online ahead of print. 合作单位汇总,一并致谢 Institute of Hematology, the First Affiliated...