9分钟热身(选做,可随自己习惯加在任意一天前)9 Min Full Body Warm Up Routine _ Caroline Girvan EPIC He 09:41 Day 1:35分钟腿 需要哑铃 Uncomplicated Complexes LEG DAY Workout _ EPIC Heat - 37:28 Day 2:35分钟肩 需要哑铃 SUPERior Shoulders Workout _ Dumbbells _ EPIC Heat - ...
锅底要加辣创建的收藏夹锅底要加辣内容:腹肌,10 Min STELLAR ABS Workout _ No Equipment - Caroline Girvan,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
There may be times when energy is slightly lower and this is when you might select slightly lighter weights or find you are mentally challenged even more during the workout and this is completely normal for most of us! Sleep is the most important aspect for all areas of performing, whether ...
Every workout I do, I treat it as a time to practice! I am always looking to improve even more, feel the contraction more even though moving from point A to point B and often imagine my muscle(s) lengthening and then contracting as I lift. These are my real workouts and even though...