0 项目地址https://github.com/yizhiweimengxiangfendoudefeifei/apollo_carla_bridge1 项目简介该项目在Carla和Apollo之间通信桥接,将Carla的车辆信息(位姿等)和传感器信息(点云数据、摄像头)利用cyber发送…
Setup / Getting Started The following commands will be run with 3 containers: carla-server: this container will run the Carla simulator carla-apollo-13: bridge between apollo and carla-server containers, has cyber_py and carla python packages installed and unlike apollo container, can easily displ...
通过以下命令配置carla与apollo_bridge: cdapollo/modules/bridge/config cp samples/sample.carla.json bridge.conf 然后使用文本编辑器打开bridge.conf文件,并将以下字段的值更新为您实际的路径: carla_host: carla_port: 2000 apollo_bridge_path: /path/to/apollo/modules/bridge apollo_path : /path/...
Setup / Getting Started The following commands will be run with 3 containers: carla-server: this container will run the Carla simulator carla-apollo: bridge between apollo and carla-server containers, has cyber_py and carla python packages installed and unlike apollo container, can easily display ...
Hi i am using CARLA 0.9.6 with this tutorial: https://github.com/AuroAi/carla_apollo_bridge to set up CARLA with APOLLO. I have done all the steps successfully however, in the last step ( to visualize camera data from the simulator in Dr...
Hi, I am using Apolllo 5.0 with docker, because is the only version with a bridge with CARLA simulator: https://github.com/AuroAi/carla_apollo_bridge Hi I am trying to follow the Demo tutorial to launch Dreamview: https://github.com/Apol...
Hi I am following this tutorial: https://github.com/AuroAi/carla_apollo_bridge Everything works until the usage step to run the following script: `# run in carla-apollo container in another terminal: cd ~/carla_apollo_bridge python examp...
Carla Apollo Bridge Carla & Apollo Co-simulation View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature About This project aims to provide a data and control bridge for the communication between Carla and Apollo. It was tested with Carla 0.9.14 and the Apollo v8.0.0 (v8.0.0) Getting Started Please...
Setup / Getting Started The following commands will be run with 3 containers: carla-server: this container will run the Carla simulator carla-apollo: bridge between apollo and carla-server containers, has cyber_py and carla python packages installed and unlike apollo container, can easily display ...