0 项目地址https://github.com/yizhiweimengxiangfendoudefeifei/apollo_carla_bridge1 项目简介该项目在Carla和Apollo之间通信桥接,将Carla的车辆信息(位姿等)和传感器信息(点云数据、摄像头)利用cyber发送…
通过以下命令配置carla与apollo_bridge: cdapollo/modules/bridge/config cp samples/sample.carla.json bridge.conf 然后使用文本编辑器打开bridge.conf文件,并将以下字段的值更新为您实际的路径: carla_host: carla_port: 2000 apollo_bridge_path: /path/to/apollo/modules/bridge apollo_path : /path/...
This project aims to provide a data and control bridge for the communication between Carla and Apollo. It was tested with Carla 0.9.14 and the Apollo v8.0.0 (v8.0.0) Getting Started Please refer to Getting Started Premium If you want to delve deeper into using Apollo for simulation in Ca...
Apollo runs on the Cyber RT framework. This is a cyber port of the work done here: https://github.com/carla-simulator/ros-bridge Installation Pre-requisites For the simplest setup, we will run Carla in Docker. You can run Carla from source if you would like, but the setup is more inv...
Hi, I am using Apolllo 5.0 with docker, because is the only version with a bridge with CARLA simulator: https://github.com/AuroAi/carla_apollo_bridge Hi I am trying to follow the Demo tutorial to launch Dreamview: https://github.com/Apol...
`# run in carla-apollo container in another terminal: cd ~/carla_apollo_bridge python examples/manual_control.py` After running it I get the error: My Nvidia-cuda setup is below. I am usingTESLA GPU I have followed the Nvidia-Docker installation:https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docke...
Run the bridge: # run in carla-apollo-13 container, start carla-apollo bridge: cd ~/carla_apollo_bridge_13 python carla_cyber_bridge/run_bridge.py Interfacing with the simulation For interfacing with the simulator, a copy of the Carla PythonAPI is included in the carla-apollo-13 container...
apollo_dev_user: runs the apollo stack Clone and build Apollo Our fork of Apollo has a few changes that make it work with this Carla bridge. You can see those changes here: https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/compare/v5.0.0...AuroAi:carla # run on local machine: git clone https:/...