路易斯安那州立大学黄伟姗研究员等科学团队在医学权威期刊Journal of Clinical Investigation上发表了一项创新性研究成果:“IL-2-inducible T cell kinase deficiency sustains chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy against tumor cells”。
CAR T cell therapy in solid tumors: a review of current clinical trials. EJHaem 3, 24–31 (2022). PubMed Google Scholar Labanieh, L. & Mackall, C. L. CAR immune cells: design principles, resistance and the next generation. Nature 614, 635–648 (2023). CAS PubMed Google Scholar ...
路易斯安那州立大学黄伟姗研究员等科学团队在医学权威期刊Journal of Clinical Investigation上发表了一项创新性研究成果:“IL-2-inducible T cell kinase deficiency sustains chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy against tumor cells”。
CAR T- cell therapy of solid tumors. Immunol Cell Biol. 2017;95(4):356-63.Yong CSM, Dardalhon V, Devaud C, et al. CAR T-cell therapy of solid tumors. Immunol Cell Biol. 2017;95:356-363.Yong, Carmen S. M.,Dardalhon,etc.CAR T-cell therapy of solid tumors[J].2017,95(4)....
相关研究结果发表在2024年4月的National Science Review期刊上,论文标题为“Lymph node-biomimetic scaffold boosts CAR-T therapy against solid tumor”。 目前的CAR-T细胞疗法在治疗B细胞相关白血病、淋巴瘤和多发性骨髓瘤方面效果显著,但在实体瘤方面却面临挑战,其特点是细胞浸润不足、CAR-T细胞在肿瘤内的持久性有限...
相关研究结果发表在2024年4月的National Science Review期刊上,论文标题为“Lymph node-biomimetic scaffold boosts CAR-T therapy against solid tumor”。 李博士说,“淋巴结是免疫系统的重要组成部分,负责 T 细胞的招募、安置和激活。我们设想,制造一种人工支架来模拟淋巴结的结构和功能,以便可以开发出一个'细胞...
然而,在实体瘤中CAR - T细胞对表达靶抗原的非肿瘤组织的识别,往往导致临床严重的非肿瘤靶向毒性,简称OTOT(on target, off-tumor toxicity)。当前有多种正在开发的用于提高实体肿瘤中CAR - T细胞特异性并减轻临床OTOT风险的巧妙设计,具体干货请看...
2. K. Newick, S. O'Brien, E. Moon, S. M. Albelda, CAR T cell therapy for solid tumors.Annu. Rev. Med.68, 139–152 (2017).3. A. Schmidts, M. V. Maus, Making CAR T cells a solid option for solid tumors. Front. Immunol.9, 2593 (2018).4. J. Wagner, E. Wickman, C....
P.S. Adusumilli et al., “Regional delivery of mesothelin-targeted CAR T cell therapy generates potent and long-lasting CD4-dependent tumor immunity,” Sci Transl Med, 6:261ra151, 2014. P.S. Adusumilli et al., “A phase I clinical trial of malignant pleural disease treated with regiona...
Vile 研究组在Science Translational Medicine上发表题为Oncolytic virus–mediated expansion of dual-specific CAR T cells improves efficacy against solid tumors in mice的文章,改进了上述CAR T疗法。 首先,作者之前的工作采用小鼠黑色素瘤模型,在转输CAR T细胞之前瘤内注射溶瘤病毒(VSV-mIFN)。作者发现注射溶瘤...