This may explain why only a percentage of patients benefit from a treatment even though they all have the same cancer type. 这可以解释为什么同一类型的肿瘤中只有部分病人能够受益于某种治疗。 2. And scarily, rates of this skin-cancer type have increased four-fold in women unde...
CancerTYPE ID已经在临床诊断原发灶不明癌症患者中表现出很好的优势。 对于诊断不明的患者,CancerTYPE ID是全球唯一一项可以明确原发灶不明转移癌的技术: CancerTYPE ID在检测患者中,改变了接近50%的患者的治疗方案。 CancerTYPE ID在每四个检测患者中,会有一个患者明确原来没有考虑过的原发灶。 常见问题 一、C...
通过CancerTYPE ID诊断出任何胰胆管亚型,然后进行IDH1/2突变分析,可使有资格接受IDH1/2靶向治疗的患者数量增加1.8倍。同样,通过CancerTYPE ID结合IDH1/2突变分析诊断出胆管癌,可使有资格接受FDA批准的靶向治疗的患者数量增加5倍以上。 在某些病例中,基因突变是在没有FDA批准的靶向治疗方案的情况下发现的。例如,26.7%...
Cancer type does not affect exercise-mediated improvements in cardiorespiratory function and fatigue. Integr Cancer Ther. 2014;13(6):473–81.Repka CP, Peterson BM, Brown JM, Lalonde TL, Schneider CM, et al. (2014) Cancer type does not affect exercise-mediated improvements in cardiorespirato...
Evaluating the cancer detection capacity of human and microbial cfRNAs 使用bootstrap评估血浆cfRNA丰度分布在区分HDs癌症患者中的能力。对于人类和微生物cfRNA丰度,进行了数据标准化和批量校正(用对照基因(RUVg)去除了不必要的变异)。对于微生物数据,使用了基于k-mer和基于对齐的管道的结果。从原始数据集中采样训练...
CancerTYPE ID uses real-time RT-PCR to measure the expression of 92-genes in the patient's tumor and classifies the tumor by matching the gene expression pattern to a database of over 2,000 known tumor types and subtypes. Using this technology, CancerTYPE ID can differentiate between 50 di...
We evaluated the effect of cancer type, age, gender, genetic syndrome, stem cell transplantation, PRISM3 score, infections, and critical care interventions on PICU mortality. RESULTS: After excluding scheduled perioperative admissions, cancer patients represented 4.2 % of all PICU admissions (10,365/...
CancerTYPE ID, performed by Biotheranostics, Inc., helps identify the tumor type and subtype for metastatic cancer patients with unclear diagnoses. Provider Portal Overview Clinical Data Order/Contact References Biotheranostics, Inc., A Hologic Company ...
香港国际专业体检协会基因筛查检测内容 | 1、CondiType疾病风险基因检测 2、CancerType癌症风险基因检测 3、NutriType儿童特征基因检测 4、SkinType皮肤基因检测 5、PhysiType运动及体重管理基因检测 6、NutriType营养代谢基因检测 7、遗传性癌症基因检测 8、全面癌症早期基因筛查 ...
Based on deep learning and somatic point mutation data, we devise DeepGene, an advanced cancer type classifier, which addresses the obstacles in existing SMCC studies. Experiments indicate that DeepGene outperforms three widely adopted existing classifiers, which is mainly attributed to its deep ...