Individuals harboring expected pathogenic variants inBRCA1/2in BioMe, termed “variant positive,” were evaluated for any evidence of personal or family histories of HBOC-related cancers, through extraction of International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-9 and ICD-10 codes from participant EHRs (A...
carried out association analyses by subtype for the following breast cancer characteristics: ER-positive and ER-negative, PR-positive and PR-negative, HER2-positive and HER2-negative, TN breast cancer (that is, negative for ER, PR and HER2) and non-TN (that is, tumor positive for at least ...
Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the secretory function of salivary glands, selected salivary biomarkers of redox balance, and oxidative damage to proteins and lipids in subjects with breast cancer as compared to patients without breast cancer, positive or not positive for ...