输入conda,会显示相应的信息。 3.给conda添加频道 conda config --add channels conda-forge conda config --add channels defaults conda config --add channels r conda config --add channels bioconda conda config --add channels https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free/ #最后一个是换国...
1.2 软件安装 wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh#亲测可用 bashMiniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh conda install-c bioconda hisat2 conda install-c bioconda bowtie conda install-c bioconda bowtie2 conda install-c bioconda bwa 1.3 建立索引文件 参考:https:/...
:package: :whale: Dockerfiles and documentation on tools for public health bioinformatics - History for bowtie2/2.5.3/README.md - StaPH-B/docker-builds
使用conda install -c bioconda bowtie2安装成功后,在用bowtie2-build构建索引时,出现报错 bowtie2-build-s_undefinedsymbol_ _ZN3tbb10interface78internal15task_arena_base19internal_initializeEv 我安装指定版本的tbb可以解决我的问题。 condainstalltbb=2020.2 参考:Conda version does not work with most recent...
Default: 5, 3. --score-min <func> 设定成为有效比对的最小分值. 在—end-to-end模式下默认值为: L,-0.6,-0.6; 在--local模式下默认值为: G,20,8. 报告参数 -k <int> 默认设置下, bowtie2搜索出了一个read不同的比对结果, 并报告其中最好的比对结果(如果好几个最好的比对结果得分一致, 则...
转录组⽐对⼯具专题-Bowtie2 1简介 序列⽐对意味着需要排列序列来找出它们相似的位点以及探寻这些位点具有多⾼的相似度,将读长⽐对并且⽐对到参考基因组或者转录组能够使得我们得知这个Read的来源。将读Read⽐对到基因组可得知其在基因组位置的信息,这样就可以接着⽤来寻找新的基因和转录本以及量化...
Supplementary Table 3 Number of correct and incorrect alignments for sensitivity and accuracy comparisons. (XLS 121 kb) Supplementary Software Bowtie 2 source code (ZIP 5453 kb) Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Langmead, B., Salzberg, S. Fast ga...
改为/home/u20111230014/miniconda3/envs/python27/bin/python2 后保存 PS: 路径必须要带上/bin/python2 tophat2 -h测试即可! 另一种情况: 报错:Error:CouldnotfindBowtie2index files(genome.*.bt2)或Warning:CouldnotfindFASTAfile bowtie2_index/GRCm39_index.fa但不提示error,照常preparing reads,但生成...
One of the hardest parts was having to wait 3-5 minutes between drops. When are you are half asleep, 3-5 minutes is just enough time to fall back asleep. And since one of the drops was refrigerated, that meant that one of us had to leave the nice warm bed to go get the drops....
bowtie2-build的使用 1.build index database use bowtie2 bowtie2-build -f genome.fasta genome -f 为参考基因组genome.fasta Genome为文件索引