蓝海战略(Blue Ocean Strategy)是由W·钱·金(W. Chan Kim)和莫博涅(Mauborgne)提出的。 蓝海战略认为,聚焦于红海等于接受了商战的限制性因素,即在有限的土地上求胜,却否认了商业世界开创新市场的可能。运用蓝海战略,视线将超越竞争对手移向买方需求,跨越现有竞争边界,将不同市场的买方价值元素筛选并重新排序,从给...
1、藍海策略(Blue Ocean Strategy) W. Chan Kim Renee Mauborgne 紅海與藍海策略 紅海策略 現有市場空間競爭 打敗競爭 利用現有需求 價值與成本互換 作業配合差異化或成 本選擇 Select EOScale or EOScope 藍海策略 創造無市場競爭空間 競爭變得無意義 創造和掌握新需求 打破價值成本互換 作業配合同時追求差 異化和...
Blue Ocean Strategy is a global business bestseller that forever changed the field of strategy. Blue Ocean Shift is your roadmap to move you and your organization from red oceans to blue oceans. Beyond Disruption is about how to innovate withing disrupti
Blue Ocean Strategy & Blue Ocean Shift is about creating new market space and making the competition irrelevant. It is a roadmap to move you, your team, and your organization to new heights of confidence, market creation and growth.
蓝海战略(Blue Ocean Strategy)一词最早出现在2000年,是两位商学院教授在研究了1880年~2000年30多个...
industry has never offered. Over time, costs are reduced further as scale economies kick in due to the high sales volumes that superior value generates. Value Innovation Blue ocean strategy is about revolutionary value innovation. Value innovation is created in the region where a company’s ...
What are red and blue oceans? Why do we call them that? What outcomes does red ocean strategy produce and how is it different from blue ocean strategy? Find out this and more.
藍海策略 (Blue Ocean Strategy) 這本是最近相當熱門的企管書。書中提到的主要觀念是,企業需要不斷開創創新的無人市場(藍海),而不僅僅在原有的圈子裡去和同業做慘烈廝殺(紅海)。兩位作者觀察、追蹤了150個企業案例,發現沒有能永遠優秀的產業,同時也沒有永遠優秀的企業。能夠勝出的企業,關鍵在於是否能夠提升核心...
Blue ocean strategy consulting and training firm with 18 years in practice. Strategize Blue helps companies and startups break out of competition and go beyond disruption to achieve sustainable, uncontested growth.