需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 蓝海战略BlueOceanStrategy(中文版).pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 蓝海战略BlueOceanStrategy(中文版).pdf 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:130***5554 审核时间:2021-06-20 审核...
Blue Ocean Strategy© Kim & Mauborgne© Kim & Mauborgne Red Ocean vs Blue Ocean StrategyRed Ocean StrategyBlue Ocean StrategyCompete in existing market spaceCreate uncontested market spaceBeat the competitionMake the competition irrelevantExploit existing demandCreate and capture new demandMake the valu...
Blue Ocean Strategy 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 W. Chan Kim is the Co-Director of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute and a Chair Professor of Strategy and International Management at INSEAD. His book Blue Ocean Strategy, co-authored with Renée Mauborgne, has sold 3.6 million ...
蓝色星球的生命能源分析blue-ocean-strategy35页 卖家[上传人]:丰*** 文档编号:248744266 上传时间:2022-02-02 文档格式:PPTX 文档大小:223.71KB本资源只提供5页预览,全部文档请下载后查看!喜欢就下载吧,查找使用更方便 20 金贝 下载/ 35 举报 版权申诉 马上下载 ...
BlueOceanStrategy蓝海策略中文完本蓝海战略(Blue Ocean Strategy)是由W·钱·金(W. Chan Kim)和莫博涅(Mauborgne)提出的。 蓝海战略认为,聚焦于红海等于接受了商战的限制性因素,即在有限的土地上求胜,却否认了商业世界开创新市场的可能。运用蓝海战略,视线将超越竞争对手移向买方需求,跨越现有竞争边界,将不同市场的...
blue-ocean-strategy-summaryValue Innovation Value innovation is created in the region where a company’s actions favorably affect both its cost structure and its value proposition to buyers. Cost savings are made by eliminating and reducing the factors an industry competes on. Buyer value is lifted...
1. Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) ? Creating Blue Ocean ? Analytical Tools and Frameworks 2. Formulating Blue Ocean Strategy ? Reconstruct Market Boundaries ? Focus on Big Picture ? Reach Beyond Existing Demand ? Get Strategic Sequence Right 3. Executing Blue Ocean Strategy ? Overcome Key Organization...
1.BlueOceanStrategy(BOS)▪CreatingBlueOcean▪AnalyticalToolsandFrameworks 2.FormulatingBlueOceanStrategy ▪ReconstructMarketBoundaries▪FocusonBigPicture▪ReachBeyondExistingDemand▪GetStrategicSequenceRight 3.ExecutingBlueOceanStrategy ▪OvercomeKeyOrganizationHurdles▪BuildExecutionintoStrategy▪Conclusion Ag...
By contrast, blue ocean, or market creating strategy, is about how to create and capture unknown markets where demand is created rather than fought over.相比之下,蓝色海洋,或市场创造战略,是关于如何创造和捕捉未知的市场,在那里创造需求,而不是争夺。In some cases, this spawns entirely new ...
蓝海战略框架Blue Ocean Strategy 蓝海策略 BlueOceanStrategy EricChiu Source:BlueOceanStrategybyKimandMauborgne 2 BlueOceanStrategy 作者:金伟灿(ChanKim)莫伯尼(ReneeMauborgne)•全书共分三大部分九章,针对过去120 多年来30多种不同行业所采取的150多种策略活动(StrategicMove)进行分析。Source:BlueOceanStrategyby...