选择顶点,然后按 S,X,0 然后按N打开侧面板选择全局,设置X值为0 In Edit mode select the vertices and Scale to 0 on the axis at issue, in this example on the X axis (SX0): Now that all the vertices are in the same position on that axis, all their positions can be set (in this ex...
1、Blender的快捷键及操作技巧常用技巧:=通用操作操作热键删除Delete全部删除Ctrl+XScaleS对象模式/编辑模式转换(Object mode / Edit mode)Tab全选或取消全选所有顶点(Select/Deselect al vertices)A选择界线(Border select)B抓取模式(Grab mode)G视图操作热键前面观(Frontview)Numpad 1侧面观(Sideview)Numpad 3俯视图(...
Select the entire hat by selecting any vertex on the hat and then pressing CTRL + L. Change the delimiter to Normal this time to select all of the connected vertices. Manual:L (or Ctrl-L for all) will add to the selection the cursor’s nearest control point, and all the linked ones,...
全选或取消全选所有顶点(Select/Deselect al vertices) A 选择界线(Border select) B 抓取模式(Grab mode) G 视图 操作 热键 前面观(Frontview) Numpad1 侧面观(Sideview) Numpad3 俯视图(Topview) Numpad7 镜头观(Cameraview) Numpad0 Wireframe/Shading Z 旋转 操作 热键 向上 Numpad2 向下 Numpad8 向左 Nu...
Given a contour of selected faces, is there a simple way, with a python script, or some existing Blender functionality, to select all the faces that are inside the contour. Example: Contour selected Filled contour: My approach so far, since in my case all the vertices are on a sphere ...
Alt Toggle select all/select none——切换全选/取消选择 Right Mouse Button Select object/sub-object——选择物体/子物体 B Box select——框选 Ctrl Circle select——圈选 Ctrl+LMB Circle Mouse-over select——鼠标悬停圈选 G Grab (move)——移动 ...
267.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 267 - 选择所有材质相同的面Select all faces with the sam267 00:52 266.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 266 - 按距离合并顶点Merge vertices by distance (Blender 00:53 265.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 265 - 网格的分离部分Separate parts of the mesh (Blende...
267.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 267 - 选择所有材质相同的面Select all faces with the sam267 00:52 266.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 266 - 按距离合并顶点Merge vertices by distance (Blender 00:53 265.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 265 - 网格的分离部分Separate parts of the mesh (Blender ...
272.Blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 272 - 一次打开所有对象的自动平滑Turn on Auto Smooth for all o 19 -- 0:53 App 266.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 266 - 按距离合并顶点Merge vertices by distance (Blender 99 -- 0:56 App 247.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 247 - 如何制作螺丝How to make...
All of thevertices in the cube should be selected. Press the W key to open the Speci 27、als menu. Select Subdivide Smooth from the pop-up. Your cube should look like the one in Figure 3.6.当你的鼠标在3D视图时按T键进入到编辑模式。所有的立方体顶点应该被选中。按 W打开Specials菜单。从...