您的意思是bert_model_dir只是为了把文字变为embedding么~而没有加载model么 那model_dir不是也能把端到端的模型输出么~,输入时文字序列,输出是NER~~ ZeKunZhang1998 commented Oct 13, 2020 bert-base-serving-start -model_dir C:\workspace\python\BERT_Base\output\ner2 -bert_model_dir F:\chinese_L-...
the above error arose when i ran the run_squad.py in pycharm(i just copied and ran locally). so can anbody tell how to input these two parameters "--bert_model"," --output_dir" in the IDE? ️ 1 CaesarLuvAI closed this as completed Jan 20, 2019 Vetrivel-PS commented Mar...