The interaction between Beclin 1, an autophagic protein, and BCL-2, an antiapoptotic protein, is central in the regulation of autophagy, a catabolic process that ends in the lysosome. These last 10 years, much research has been focused on the Beclin 1 and BCL-2 interaction, its regulation ...
结论GLA可能通过Bcl-2/Beclin1靶点调节HCCLM3细胞自噬与凋亡,且作用效果与剂量密切相关。 英文摘要: OBJECTIVE To study the regulator y mech anism of glaucocalyxin A (GLA) on autophagy and apoptosis of HCCLM3 hepatocellular carcinoma cells. METHODS HCCLM3 cells were taken ,and control group ,GLA ...
Moreover, mice deficient in the anti-ageing protein klotho3 have increased beclin 1 and BCL2 interaction and decreased autophagy. These phenotypes, along with premature lethality and infertility, are rescued by the beclin 1(F121A) mutation. Together, our data demonstrate that disruption of the ...
Beclin 1 modulates the anti-apoptotic activity of Bcl-2: insights from a pathogen infection system. Autophagy 6: 177-178.Vazquez CL, Colombo MI. Beclin 1 modulates the anti-apoptotic activity of Bcl-2: insights from a pathogen infection system. Autophagy. 2010; 6 :177–178. [ PubMed ]...
( autophagy) , 摘要 自噬 是一种进化保守的溶酶体依赖性分解代谢途径 是 细胞维持 自稳态的重要 ,. Beclin-1 , 1 机制之一 并参与多种疾病的发生 作为 自噬体成核 的关键分子之一 是 个调节 自噬的 关键靶 点. Beclin-1 有 1 个 BH3 结构域 ,Bcl-2 、Bcl-XL 等可以通过这个 BH3 结构域与...
Immunolocalization of beclin 1, a bcl-2-binding, autophagy-related protein, in the human ovary: possible relation to life span of corpus luteum[J] . María Gaytán,Concepción Morales,José E. Sánchez-Criado,Francisco Gaytán.Cell and Tissue Research . 2008 (2)...
Beclin 1 (Bcl-2 interacting coiled-coil protein; also know as ATG6) is a 60 kDa member of the Beclin family of proteins. It is part of a lipid-kinase complex that includes UVRAG and PI3 and induces autophagy; in the presence of Bcl-2, autophagy is repressed. Beclin 1 is widely expre...
The BH3 domain of Beclin-1 is bound to, and inhibited by Bcl-2 or Bcl-XL. This interaction can be disrupted by phosphorylation of Bcl-2 and Beclin-1, or ubiquitination of Beclin-1. In addition, caspase-mediated cleavage of Beclin-1 promotes crosstalk between apoptosis and autophagy. Beclin...
Beclin-1 Antibody: Autophagy, the process of bulk degradation of cellular proteins through an autophagosomic-lysosomal pathway is important for normal growth control and may be defective in tumor cells. Beclin-1, a coiled-coil Bcl-2-interacting protein homologous to the yeast autophagy gene apg6...
Beclin 1 is the first identified mammalian gene to mediate autophagy and also has tumor suppressor and antiviral function. Anti-Beclin 1抗体Autophagy, a process of bulk protein degradation through an autophagosomic lysosomal pathway, is important for differentiation, survival during nutrient deprivation,...