Cell Death细胞死亡Autophagy is known to be a feature of cardiomyopathies and chronic ischaemia. Here we demonstrate that autophagy is also induced by a single cycle of ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R in neonatal and adult rat cardiac myocytes). Consistent with the critical role for Beclin1 in auto...
Beclin1与人类疾病如肿瘤、神经系统退行性疾病的关联.最后,简要介绍了实验室常用于Beclin1 研究的工具. 关键词Beclin1;自噬;凋亡;肿瘤;神经系统退行性疾病 中图分类号R34 Beclin1RegulatesApoptosisandAutophagy ZHANGYu-Qing 1) ,ZHANGLi-Hui 1) ,WEIEr-Qing ...
playbetweenautophagyandinflammasomes〔J〕.Aging(AlbanyNY), 2012;4:166-75畅 3Eisenberg-Lerner,A,Kimchi,A畅PKDisakinaseofVps34thatmediates ROSinducedautophagydownstreamofDAPK〔J〕.CellDeathDiffer, 2012;19(5):788-97畅 4FuruyaT,KimM,LipinskiM,etal畅NegativeregulationofVps34byCdk mediatedphosphorylation〔...
expression is upregulated in mammospheres Autophagy is tightly regulated by the activity of the Beclin 1 complex in initiating the formation of autophagosomes.16 We therefore compared Beclin 1 expression in mammospheres and in adherent cells from primary breast cancer or MCF-7 and BT474 cell ...
Beclin 1, an important autophagy-related protein in human cells, is involved in cell death and cell survival. Beclin 1 mapped to human chromosome 17q21. It is widely expressed in normal mammary epithelial cells. Although down-regulated expression with mono-allelic deletions of beclin 1 gene was...
cancer stem-like/progenitor cellBeclin 1Gossypol, a natural Bcl-2 homology domain 3 mimetic compound isolated from cottonseeds, is currently being evaluated in clinical trials. Here, we provide evidence that gossypol induces autophagy followed by apoptotic cell death in both the MCF-7 human breast...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by accumulation of senile amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques and hyperphosphorylated tau tangles causing progressive loss of synapse and neuronal death. Out of the various neuron death modalities, autophagy and apoptosis
& Li, Q. Autophagy, an accomplice or antagonist of drug resistance in HCC? Cell Death Dis. 12, 266 (2021). Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Chang, H. & Zou, Z. Targeting autophagy to overcome drug resistance: further developments. J. Hematol. Oncol. 13, 159 (2020)...
Caspase cleavage of Beclin-1 Beclin-1 has been found to be a direct substrate of caspase-3, caspase-7 and caspase-8 in both mitochondrial- and death receptor-mediated apoptosis, in which caspase cleavage of Beclin-1 is sufficient to suppress autophagy in cancer (Li et al., 2011). Interest...
Beclin1; ; 关键词 自噬 肿瘤 中图分类号 Q7 1 Beclin1 Atg6 / Vps30 可检测到编码 Beclin1 mRNA , 是酵母自噬基因 的同源基 的 有所减少 相应的 , BECN1, (autophagy ) [3]。 SKOV3 因 也称为 在自噬 和肿瘤过程 蛋白质水平也降低 在人卵巢癌细胞 中 [1] 中发挥重要作用 。1998 年,Liang ...