1、THE BICINCHONINIC ACID (BCA) ASSAY FOR DETERMINATION OFTOTAL PROTEINPrinciple 原理Smith et al. (1985) introduced the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay reagent. Inone sense, it is a modification of the Lowry protein assay reagent. The mechanism ofcolor formation with protein for the BCA ...
THE BICINCHONINIC ACID (BCA) ASSAY FOR DETERMINATION OFTOTAL PROTEIN Principle原理 Smith et al. (1985) introduced the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay reagent. Inone sense, it is a modification of the Lowry protein assay reagent. The mechanism ofcolor formation with protein for the BCA pro...
10、THE BICINCHONINIC ACID (BCA) ASSAY FOR DETERMINATION OF TOTAL PROTEINPrinciple原理Smith et al. (1985) introduced the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay reagent. In one sense, it is a modificat。11、1,实验二 BCA法测定蛋白质浓度(BCA protein concentration determination ),耿磊 生物化学教研室...
Accurate across a broad range of protein concentrations High sensitivity; linear response form 0.5 to 30 μg/ml of protein Stable color complex Reduced susceptibility to detergents Principle Based on the alkaline reduction of Cu2+ to Cu1+ by proteins, and the formation of a bicinchoninic acid:Cu...
Proteindeterminationisoneofthemostcommon operationsperformedinbiochemicalresearch.The principleofthebicinchoninicacid(BCA)assayissimilar totheLowryprocedure, 1 inthatbothrelyonthe formationofaCu 2+ -proteincomplexunderalkaline conditions,followedbyreductionoftheCu 2+ toCu 1+ . Theamountofreductionisproportional...
BackgroundAbbkine Protein Quantification Kit (BCA Assay) is improved on the basis of BCA method, one of the commonly used protein concentration detection methods in the world. The principle of this method is that the protein reduces copper ions (Cu2+) to cuprous ions (Cu+ ) in alkaline cond...
The BCA protein quantification kit is a kit based on BCA ( Bicin-choninic Acid ), which uses colorimetry to determine the total protein concentration. It is one of the widely used protein quantification methods. The principle is that under alkaline conditions, the peptide bond in the protein ...
Protein determination is one of the most common operations performed in biochemical research. The principle of the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay is similar to the Lowry procedure,1in that both rely on the formation of a Cu 2+-protein complex under alkaline conditions, followed by reduction of ...
BCA法测蛋白含量.docx,建筑 建筑 Current Current Protocols in Cell BiologyPublished online September 2011 in Wiley Online Library THE BICINCHONINIC ACID (BCA) ASSAY FOR DETERMINATION OFTOTAL PROTEIN Principle 原理 Smith et al. (1985) introduced the bicinch