1、THE BICINCHONINIC ACID (BCA) ASSAY FOR DETERMINATION OFTOTAL PROTEINPrinciple 原理Smith et al. (1985) introduced the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay reagent. Inone sense, it is a modification of the Lowry protein assay reagent. The mechanism ofcolor formation with protein for the BCA ...
3、1 实验二BCA法测定蛋白质浓度 BCAproteinconcentrationdetermination 耿磊生物化学教研室 301室 邮箱 sypgl 2 注意事项 前言 实验目的 实验原理 思考 实验步骤 3 前言 一 蛋白质的理化性质 一 蛋白质的胶体性质 二 蛋白质的两性电离和等电点 三 蛋白质的变性 沉淀和凝聚 四 蛋白质的紫外吸收 五 蛋白质的呈...
THE BICINCHONINIC ACID (BCA) ASSAY FOR DETERMINATION OFTOTAL PROTEIN Principle原理 Smith et al. (1985) introduced the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay reagent. Inone sense, it is a modification of the Lowry protein assay reagent. The mechanism ofcolor formation with protein for the BCA ...
Protein determination is one of the most common operations performed in biochemical research. The principle of the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay is similar to the Lowry procedure,1in that both rely on the formation of a Cu 2+-protein complex under alkaline conditions, followed by reduction of ...
THEBICINCHONINICACID(BCA)ASSAYFORDETERMINATIONOFTOTALPROTEIN Principle原理 Smithetal.(1985)introducedthebicinchoninicacid(BCA)proteinassayreagent.Inonesense,itisamodificationoftheLowryproteinassayreagent.ThemechanismofcolorformationwithproteinfortheBCAproteinassayreagentissimilartothatoftheLowryreagent,butthereareseveral...
Proteindeterminationisoneofthemostcommon operationsperformedinbiochemicalresearch.The principleofthebicinchoninicacid(BCA)assayissimilar totheLowryprocedure, 1 inthatbothrelyonthe formationofaCu 2+ -proteincomplexunderalkaline conditions,followedbyreductionoftheCu 2+ toCu 1+ . Theamountofreductionisproportional...
for 0.5-30 μg/ml protein Synonym(s): BCA Assay, Protein determination by BCA, bicinchoninic acid reagent NACRES: NA.84Recommended Products Slide 1 of 6 328693 ALNOCHROMIX™ View Price and Availability Sigma-Aldrich ET0100 E-Toxate™ Kit View Price and Availability Supelco MSCAL3 Proteo...
Dumas快速定氮法在农产品品质检测中的应用 NitrogenDeterminationDumasMethod Anoldmethod withanewimportanceDumas定氮法 一个古老的技术重新焕发了青春 氮/蛋白质测定方法 对于食品、谷物、肥料、动物饲料及相关产品,全氮和蛋白质含量的测定是非常重要的。目前广泛应用的测定蛋白质的方法是通过测定物质的总氮含量再乘以某...