No space maps included. Unit count was increased to 40... Battlefront 2004 Modded Jan 18 2019 Released 2018 Third Person Shooter Added Big battles mod + Realistic damage + Reshade mod More mods >> Cookies | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy Blog | About | Advertise | Contact | Submit Mod...
-Heros for this map are for the Galactic Republic Glynn-Beti and for the CIS Count Dooku. Rhen Var: Harbor - After the Evacuation of Rhen Var the Conquest of Raxus Prime the Jedi soon found out that Count Dooku sought and restored an ancient weapon known as the Dark Reaper used in the...
Steve CMCW - BAOR Module We're well underway with this one. Now that our artists are freed up from Downfall and other work you can expect some juicy Cold War bones very soon. With that will come a more detailed laying out of what you can count on in the final product. I'll also ...
Battles pits the player against enemy AI in a deathmatch-like scenario. Playing with a partner allows one to play against them as well, either backed by enemy AI or in one-versus-one action. The goal of the player is to reach 100 points; however, in order for a point to count by ta...
the operator flies the missile with a joystick towards a target. This is a bit like flying a rocket powered remote controlled plane and is extremely difficult - especially if the target is moving as the operator has to track both the target and the missile. A good operator would count himse...
Drop Zone: Altered player count from 16 to 12 Mission changes Survival: Stars earned in the Survival in the Ice Caves and Rebel Depot Missions now count towards your total in the social hub Survival: Zoom now functions properly on all maps ...
2001-11-20With the correction to the U.S. Artillery TO&Es, with the possiblity of different sized batteries joining in the attack, time-on-target attacks are difficult to calculate.The method of calculating TOT attacks will be changed to the following. 1) Count all of the templates partici...
Oct 22 2018Agree (1)Disagree By far the most fun I've had with stock assets, maybe ever, playing with the AI count and reinforcements at max causes for an intense, action packed experience that every player of Battlefront 2 has to see for themselves. It's the ultimate Battle with conten...