Battles pits the player against enemy AI in a deathmatch-like scenario. Playing with a partner allows one to play against them as well, either backed by enemy AI or in one-versus-one action. The goal of the player is to reach 100 points; however, in order for a point to count by ta...
As for why, I think in the case of Battlefront 1's campaign it is honestly kind of bare-bones - essentially just a collection of skirmish maps with a very thin narrative grafted on - and I could see a player just wanting to get it out of the way so that they can move on to the...
- After the Evacuation of Rhen Var the Conquest of Raxus Prime the Jedi soon found out that Count Dooku sought and restored an ancient weapon known as the Dark Reaper used in the Great Hyperspace War. the Jedi fearing that Dooku is close to restoring it they quickly learned that Ulic Qel...
Raised the total working AI count allowed on the mapsThough vanilla has no real limitation on the number of units that can spawn on a map, the max amount of active units total is capped at around 100, however. On larger maps, this causes 50 or so units on each team to stand around ...
I mean, I'm a new player and in a few games I notice that low level players end the games with a lot of kills. All EA online games have or had problems with... - 10835797
Drop Zone: Altered player count from 16 to 12 Mission changes Survival: Stars earned in the Survival in the Ice Caves and Rebel Depot Missions now count towards your total in the social hub Survival: Zoom now functions properly on all maps ...
Whoever gets the kill becomes the next hero and only kills gained whilst playing as a hero count towards the score. Its frustrating because even if you do all the work killing a hero all it takes is someone to shoot them once in order to take the kill and the point. The strength of ...
ERROR 0xc000007b","id":"message:7481588","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":47},"Conversation:conversation:7481588":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:7481588","solved":true,"topic":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:7481588"},"lastPostingActivityTime":"2023-06-15T05:...
That being said, the additions of Jedi Hunter and Leader of the Droid Army, General Grievous, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with Geonosis, and Fallen Jedi Master and Fallen Padawan of Yoda, Count Dooku/ Darth Tyrannus have given players and fans of the Clone War era exactly what they...