Battles pits the player against enemy AI in a deathmatch-like scenario. Playing with a partner allows one to play against them as well, either backed by enemy AI or in one-versus-one action. The goal of the player is to reach 100 points; however, in order for a point to count by ta...
- After the Evacuation of Rhen Var the Conquest of Raxus Prime the Jedi soon found out that Count Dooku sought and restored an ancient weapon known as the Dark Reaper used in the Great Hyperspace War. the Jedi fearing that Dooku is close to restoring it they quickly learned thatUlic Qel...
ERROR 0xc000007b","id":"message:7481588","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":47},"Conversation:conversation:7481588":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:7481588","solved":true,"topic":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:7481588"},"lastPostingActivityTime":"2023-06-15T13:...
[BF2] Fixed an issue on Space maps in BF2 where a small white cube was present at the base of all openable doors on Republic, CIS, and Rebel capital ships. [BF2] Fixed an issue on the Galactic Conquest screen in BF2 where a player’s name and their credit cou...
The last roadmap EA released was at the beginning of October and it outlined plans all the way through February 2019. Whether or not those plans are still intact remains to be seen. As a reminder, 2019 was expected to se...
Fixed an issue where Count Dooku’s body would slightly shake when performing an emote. Fixed an issue where Count Dooku’s right hand thumb was clipping with the hilt of his lightsaber. OBI-WAN KENOBI Fixed an issue where the Defensive Rush ability would not inflict lightsaber marks on objec...
Team balance: Resolved a bug in which a team could be split and no auto partner assigned if the server had a low player count. Appearances: Resolved the bug that made all Rebel items usable on the Bespin maps without purchasing them. Maps & Game Modes: ...
yesterday I bought a copy of Battlefront 2 on Origin & can say, this is the dumbest thing i did this year so far. After launching a game, there were issues with almost everything regarding gameplay. First,the loading times. Then mouse issues, after that unexplained glitches, which btw are...