Battles pits the player against enemy AI in a deathmatch-like scenario. Playing with a partner allows one to play against them as well, either backed by enemy AI or in one-versus-one action. The goal of the player is to reach 100 points; however, in order for a point to count by ta...
- After the Evacuation of Rhen Var the Conquest of Raxus Prime the Jedi soon found out that Count Dooku sought and restored an ancient weapon known as the Dark Reaper used in the Great Hyperspace War. the Jedi fearing that Dooku is close to restoring it they quickly learned that Ulic Qel...
Walker Assault pits two teams of 20 against each other. There’s no commander role to provide support for players, like there is in Battlefield 4, and the total player count comes short of Battlefield’s larger 64-player modes. Walker Assault mode has the appearance of a modified Conquest...
Battlefront II changes this up by introducing a class system (or reintroducing if you count the original LucasArts Battlefront games). You can roll into any match as an Assault, a Heavy, an Officer, or a Specialist. This keeps matches more interesting because you can quickly bo...
I'm getting the same issue. All my drivers are up to date and my specs more than beat the min requirements. Happens on all game play, tutorials, singleplayer, multi. i7-4790K GTX 970 16 GB RAM Not sure why this is happening and I would attach a crash report but there is none so...