6) 用Ctrl + r 组合键来进入历史搜索模式在history表中查询某条过往指令,找到需要重复执行的命令后,按回车键即可重复命令参数(即上一点中的第5条) 先来看一个例子: mkdir /exampledircd !$ 本例中,第一行命令将创建一个目录,而第二行的命令则转到刚创建的目录。 这里,“!$”的作用就是重复前一个命令的...
Bash aliases are shortcuts added to a file that allows you to reference another command through more memorable words, abbreviations, or characters. For example, if you use Git you may run git status many times throughout the day, so to save yourself time and keystrokes you could alias gs ...
Override Default Behaviour of Command From this example, you can conclude the precedence falls to bash aliases before checking and invoking the actual command. $ cat ~/.bash_aliases $ source ~/.bash_aliases $ uptime Unchanged Command Behaviour Removing an Alias in Linux Now remove theuptimeentry...
bash prompt- PS1 bashrc_dispatch- use symlinks to reorganise .bashrc, .bash_profile and .profile. .inputrc- Startup files (Set Key bindings and Tab completion). bashrc example- Tom Ryder. flowblok’s blog- Which startup files run for bash and zsh. ...
bashaliases are basically text substitutions. For example a commonaliasis to define: alias ll="ls -l" You can type thisaliasdefinition directly intobashbut then the definition will only exist for that particular shell. When you open a new terminal window it will know nothing of this alias. ...
For example, the first alias below replaces thelscommand. If you wish to use the regularlscommand and not the alias, call it via: ls Productivity So these aliases are really simple and really short, but they are mostly based on the idea that if you save yourself a fraction of a second...
2.Decide on the name and functionality of your alias. For example, let us say we want thelsizealias to execute theducommand with appropriate options to display sizes sorted by size. 3.Determine the command that the alias will represent. Theducommand with options-sh * | sort -rhwill displa...
We discussed onelsexample above, but there are many others you may find. Makelsdisplay in columns and with a file type indicator (end directories with “/”, etc) by default: alias ls="ls -CF" We can also anticipate some typos to make it call the correct command: ...
Once you have identified a theme to use, open your.bashrcfile and find the following line in it and change it value to the name of the theme you want, for example: $ export BASH_IT_THEME='essential' Change Bash-It Theme Save the file and close, and source it as shown before. ...
Here's an example of some of the aliases: l:command:lsgc:command:git commitdeploy_production:command:bundle exec cap production deploybackout_seconds:3conditional:test git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` == "master"deploy_staging:command:bundle exec cap staging deploy ...