To exit a nested loop and an outer loop, usebreak 2. Continue Thecontinuecommand ends the current loop iteration. The program continues the loop, starting with the following iteration. To illustrate, add the following code to a Bash script to see how thecontinuestatement works in aforloop: ...
Well not, if you are using For loops in Bash script. For loop in bash script is a magical tool that can help you automate any repetitive task while efficiently handling those files without breaking a sweat. In this article, we discuss what are for loops in bash with some practical example...
The “for” loop is mainly used when you want to work with a range in your script. You can define the start and end of the range. For instance, if you want to implement a shorter version of the earlier command to work with a range of 1 to 5, you could change the “for” loop ...
Break statement with for loop From the above output, you can seefor loopiterates, and when the first leap year 2012 is found,breakstatement is read and the loop is exited and control is given back to the terminal. Now I am altering the same code for the"continue"statement. Thecontinuest...
# loop through strings resulting from a command forvaluein$(Linuxcommand) do commands done # loop through increment or decrement numbers # traditional procedural for loop for((i=0; i<10; i++) do commands done According to the above syntax, the starting and ending block offorloop is define...
Delving into Advanced Bash Foreach Loop As you become more comfortable with the basic ‘foreach’ loop in Bash, you can start exploring its more complex applications. One such application is iterating over arrays or files, which can greatly enhance the functionality of your scripts. ...
Another syntax variation of for loop also exists that is particularly useful if you are working with a list of files (or strings), range of numbers, arrays, output of a command, etc. The list/range syntax for loop takes the following form: ...
for i in {10..100..5}; do echo "count $i" done The aboveforloop can of course be re-written easily with a three-expression loop. for (( i=0; i <= 100 ; i=i+5 )); do echo "count $i" done Example #2: Iterate over a List of Strings inforLoop inbash ...
for I in {1..3}; do echo $I; done #bashV4.0+, or {1..3..1} All above print1 2 3. You can use‘continue’or‘break’as like other languages to jump to next or out of the loop. for i in {1..100}; do if [ $i -eq 50 ]; then break; fi ...
## declare an array variable declare -a arr=("element1" "element2" "element3") ## now loop through the above array for i in "${arr[@]}" do echo "$i" # or do whatever with individual element of the array done # You can access them using echo "${arr[0]}", "${arr[1]}...