Now comes the fun part; we need to set up the for loop, which using the iterator “i” will iterate through the array’s contents and perform the display function. You can do it as such: This line sets up the loop. With the “$” symbol, we are specifying that we are trying to ...
Use for loop with array for every element In this method, you can use a variable that will be used to print every element of the array. You can use any name for the variable to store the value of the element for the ongoing iteration. Here, I went with theitemas a variable. And t...
forcolorinBlue Green Pink White Red do # Print the string value echo"Color =$color" done The following output will appear after executing the above script. Example-2: Reading Array Variable You can use for loop to iterate the values of an array. Create a new bash file namedloop2.shwith...
When you use double quotes,$@and$*behave differently. While$@expands the array to each item in an array-like as shown in the above example,$*will expand the entire array as one value. for items in "${X[*]}" do echo $items done Usage of double quotes with $* in for loop Heads Up...
‘STRING’ 将会阻止 STRING 中所有特殊字符的解释,这是一种比使用"更强烈的形式。后面的实验会详细说明。 反引号(`) 命令替换 反引号中的命令会优先执行,如: cp `mkdir back` back ls 先创建了 back 目录,然后复制 到 back 目录。
我们还可以使用指定范围的语法来针对数组中的特定元素进行迭代。语法如下: foriin"${array_name[start_index]..array_name[end_index]}"do# 在此处编写代码,对每个数组元素进行迭代done 下面是一个例子: #!/bin/bash# 声明一个字符串数组colours=("red""green""blue""yellow""purple")# 针对数组中前三个元...
images -q | grep -E '[^$ignore_image_string]' | xargs docker rmi"|sh 先是一个 join 函数,相当于 javascript 里的 join,就是把数组变成字符串,现在分隔符只有『 | 』,之后还要改成能传分隔符。 然后是定义container 和 image 列表,由于 container 和 image 的名称各不相同,因此分为两个列表,之后...
array=(1 2 3 4 5) for i in ${array[@]} do echo "Element $i" done The output prints each element stored in the array from first to last. The Bashforloop is the only method to iterate through individual array elements. Theforloop can also be used to iterate through key-value pair...
8.1. Declare simple bash array #!/bin/bash #Declare array with 4 elements ARRAY=( 'Debian Linux' 'Redhat Linux' Ubuntu Linux ) # get number of elements in the array ELEMENTS=${#ARRAY[@]} # echo each element in array # for loop ...
for loopin 1 2 3 4 5 do echo "The value is: $loop" done 输出结果: The value is: 1 The value is: 2 The value is: 3 The value is: 4 The value is: 5 while循环用于不断执行一系列命令,也用于从输入文件中读取数据;命令通常为测试条件。其格式为: ...