while ...; do ... done while-loop 将运行直到表达式测试为真。will run while theexpression that we test for is true. 关键字"break" 用来跳出循环。 而关键字”continue”用来不执行余下的部分而直接跳到下一个循环。 for-loop表达式查看一个字符串列表 (字符串用空格分隔) 然后将 其赋给一个变量: ...
declare -a string_array=("Hello world!" "How are you?" "Nice to meet you!" "How do you do?" ) # Read the array values with space for str in "${string_array[@]}"; do echo $str done 如何SSH到另一台主机并在其上运行几个命令? #!/bin/bash # 先配置SSH的免密,之后执行此脚本 ...
the for loop will be executed a total of 5 times, once for each item in the list. The current item from the list will be stored in a variable “varname” each time through the loop. This “varname” can
will run while theexpression that we test for is true. 关键字"break" 用来跳出循环。 而关键字”continue”用来不执行余下的部分而直接跳到下一个循环。 for-loop表达式查看一个字符串列表 (字符串用空格分隔) 然后将 其赋给一个变量: for var in ...; do ... done 在下面的例子中,将分别打印ABC到...
笼统的说,bash实现字符串遍历的方式,实际是定义一个数组然后遍历其元素 示例1:在for循环中迭代多个单词的字符串 #!.../bin/bash # Read a string with spaces using for loop for value in I like programming do echo $value...done 结果 $ sh test1.sh I like programming 示例2:使用for循环迭代字符串...
bash show for loop变量两次 在Bash中,使用for循环可以遍历一个列表或者一系列的值。当需要在循环中显示循环变量两次时,可以使用以下方式: 代码语言:txt 复制 for var in list do echo $var$var done 上述代码中,var是循环变量,list是需要遍历的列表或者值。echo $var$var用于显示循环变量两次。 这种方法适用于...
Example 05 – For loop In this example, we will use a "for loop" to output a certain string a specific number of times. You will be able to grasp the following code example easily. #!/bin/bash echo "For loop example" for i in 1 2 3 4 5 do echo "$i - Welcome" done echo ...
Looping over a list of numbers or words is a building block in shell scripts. Learn how to write Bash loops, including for loop, while loop, and until loop.
-eq 数值上的比较(==),=类似于string中的compare 这里$?中,0表示TRUE,1表示FALSE if嵌套: if else: nl就是列出每行的行号,并输出每行内容 elseif and or df -h 返回文件的使用情况 六、循环(Loop) while until until 使用 For循环 依次读names变量,空格隔开 ...
Delete the list of containers in a loop using the--prefixargument. Azure CLI for row in$containerListdotmpName=$(echo$row| sed-e's/\r//g') az storage container delete \--name$tmpNamedone Error handling To exit a script immediately if a command returns a nonzero status, run the foll...