A 'for loop' is a bash programming language statement which allows code to be repeatedly executed. A for loop is classified as an iteration statement i.e. it is the repetition of a process within a bash script. Tutorial details For example, you can run UNIX command or task 5 times or ...
$ bash forloop1.sh Example 2 - for Loop With a Break Statement The break statement is used within the ‘for loop’ to end the loop. First, create a file and run the following code. For instance, we will use for loop to read the list of names, and we will test two conditions....
[Bash] for loop The basic syntax of a for loop in Bash is: forvariableinlistdocommandsdone Examples Example 1: Iterating Over a List of Words #!/bin/zshforwordinapple banana cherrydoecho"The word is:$word"done Example 2: Iterating Over a Range of Numbers...
Hopefully, these examples have demonstrated the power of aforloop at the Bash command line. You really can save a lot of time and perform tasks in a less error-prone way with loops. Just be careful. Your loops will do what you ask them to, even if you ask them to do something destr...
$counter = 0 for (( i = 0 ; i <= 5000; i++ ))do if ($i = $counter); then echo "$counter" counter=$(counter+1000) fi ./run.sh done running this piece of code gives me the following error ./for_loop.sh: line 1: =: command not found ./for_loop.sh: line 3: 0: ...
for param do echo $param done exit 0 上面这个程序将列出所有命令行参数。for 循环结构的循环体被包含在 do/done 对中,这也是后面的 while、until 循环所具有的特点。 while 循环的基本结构是: while [ condition ] do #code block done 这个结构请大家自己编写一个例子来验证。
⚠️注意,bash使用整除法。求余使用%符号。 如果我们想要进行更为复杂的数学计算,使用bc命令。 创建文件bigmath.sh: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 #!/usr/bin/env bash# File:bigmath.sh echo"22 / 7"|bc-l ...
while true; do sleep 1 echo "count=${count}" if [ `expr ${count} % 5` -eq 0 ]; then fun5 ${count} fi if [ `expr ${count} % 10` -eq 0 ]; then fun10 ${count} fi ((count=count + 1)) done 运行结果: $./loop.shcount=0infun5(0)infun10(0)count=1count=2count=3co...
Example of a bash nested for loop Below is how you can successfully nest a for loop inside another loop. The nested loop, or inner loop, will run repeatedly through its values for each time the outer loop is triggered. Also, there is usually no difference between the “do” and “done...
Understanding ‘For’ Loops in Bash A‘for’ loop is a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly. When it comes to arrays, a ‘for’ loop can iterate through each element, allowing you to perform operations on individual items. ...