Band-edge excitons of few-layer nickel phosphorous trisulfide (NiPS) are characterized via micro-thermal-modulated reflectance (μTR) measurements from 10 to 300K. Prominent μTR features of the A exciton series and B are simultaneously detected near the band edge of NiPS. The A exciton series ...
As a consequence of the dielectric and quantum confinement effect, they show strongly bound and stable excitons at room temperature. In this report, the band-edge exciton fine structure and in particular its exciton and biexciton dynamics in high quality crystals of (PEA)2PbI4 are investigated....
Mixing of the dark and bright excitons in an external magnetic field allows the direct optical recombination of the dark exciton ground state. The observed shortening of the luminescence decay time in CdSe nanoncrystals in a magnetic field is also in excellent agreement with the theory, giving ...
Polarization dependent piezoreflectance study of the band-edge excitons of ReS2 as a function of temperature in the range of 25 K ≤ T≤ 525 K is reported. The parameters that describe the temperature variation of the transition energies and boradening function of the excitons have been evaluate...
Layer-dependent exciton polarizability and the brightening of dark excitons in few-layer black phosphorus Article Open access 01 September 2023 The band-edge excitons observed in few-layer NiPS3 Article Open access 05 January 2021 A common optical approach to thickness optimization in polymer an...
Stability of excitons in undoped C60 are studied from a molecular-solid point of view. The band edge of the electron–hole continuum is estimated theoretically to be located approximately at 2.0 eV. The predicted onsets for photoconductivity and optical absorption are found to be in a fair agreem...
in a lightly Cu doped silicon substrate and reported to exhibit an isoelectronic bound exciton nature in the ground states55,56,57. However, the defect induced lattice distortion, as well as the photophysics and radiative dynamics of its bound excitons, has not been as well studied as T ...
We report the first well-resolved band-edge luminescence from excitons confined in fully strained SiGe quantum wells grown on Si. At liquid-He temperatures the photoluminescence is due to shallow bound excitons, and in addition to a no-phonon line, phonon-assisted transitions involving TA phonons ...
Erratum: Localized and delocalized two-dimensional excitons in GaAs-AlGaAs multiple-quantum-well structures Presents literary criticism of the book "Little Dorrit" by Charles Dickens. The author focuses on Dickens' comment on class, society, and economics as shown themes of commerce, business, transac...
1b, one may expect the appearance of two distinct ns Rydberg series of near band edge excitons in our WSe2 monolayer: the routinely observed bright exciton series23,24,25,26 associated with the upper conduction band subband, but also the dark-exciton series associated with the lower conduction...