It is imperative to establish fast and reliable analytical methods that allow a good and rapid analysis of food products during the whole food chain. This chapter summarizes the information on the method developed and application of the whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in the past few years focusing...
We validated our findings with physiological experiments, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and whole genome sequencing and analysis (Supplementary Fig. 1). This revealed that a diverse set of bacteria were able to interact with or use inulin, including previously unrecognized species, ...
Whole-genome sequencing Frozen cultures sampled during the evolution experiment were inoculated via a 1:2000 dilution into 10 ml fresh LB medium and cultured for 24 h. DNA was extracted from 1 ml of each resulting culture using the Invitrogen PureLink Genomic DNA Mini Kit (Invitrogen). T...
Methods: Isolates were collected from infected neonates and environmental surfaces, identified and antibiotic susceptibility was determined and were screened for virulence factors and biofilm formation. Results: A total of 100 clinical specimens and 100 swabs from environmental surfaces were collected. Forty...
Deletion of the five chosen sRNAs was confirmed by PCR and by whole-genome sequencing (Figure S4, see STAR Methods). Download: Download high-res image (555KB) Download: Download full-size image Figure 2. sRNAs act together to affect bacterial fitness during various stresses (A) Top 20 ...
The 69 cI mutations sequenced include 3 IS (mobile)-element insertions, and 2 clones without a PCR product, which whole-genome sequencing revealed to result from large deletions (STAR Methods). Mutations in the vector-only control strain are shown in black (19 independent mutants). Red font,...
ResultsWe used whole-genome sequencing data produced by two PacBio platforms (Sequel II and RS II) and two ONT protocols (Rapid Sequencing and Ligation Sequencing) to compare assemblies of the bacteriaEscherichia coliand the fruit flyDrosophila ananassae. Sequel II assemblies had higher contiguity an...
Whole-genome sequencing (454 FLX) was carried out by the Washington University Genome Sequencing Center (St Louis, MO, USA). Genomic DNA from D was purified, and its sequence was analysed using established procedures30. A two-nucleotide (TA) deletion at the 1,269–1,270th position of the...
Intratumoral and intracellular microbes may also regulate the metastatic cascade. Whole genome sequencing revealed a similarity of 99.9% betweenF. nucleatumisolates from primary CRC and liver metastasis, indicating likely bacterial migratory characteristics between these tumor sites49. Microbial regulation of ...
Scarselli M, Storni E, Zuo P, Broeker M, Hundt E, Knapp B, Blair E, Mason T, Tettelin H, Hood DW, Jeffries AC, Saunders NJ, Granoff DM, Venter JC, Moxon ER, Grandi G, Rappuoli R: Identification of vaccine candidates against serogroup B meningococcus by whole-genome sequencing. ...