Despite these findings, it is still unknown if all pathways leading to extended lifespan converge at the process of autophagy or not. Here, an overview of modern developments related to the process of autophagy, its regulation and the molecular machinery involved is presented. In addition, this ...
The ER is the largest organelle in eukaryotic cells. It can form a complex cell quality control network by contacting other organelle membranes and participates in Ca2+homeostasis and protein synthesis [30]. The ER activates protective mechanisms under stress conditions, such as a lack of nutrients...
If STING1 is an autophagy receptor, what is its core substrate? Why does STING1 share a common upstream activation signal during DNA damage but can then lead to different cell death pathways? In addition to the ER, what is the function of STING1 in other subcellular organelles? How do ...
However, it remains to be further clarified in next experiments about how the members of GTPase are organized together and what the exactly mechanisms are for autophagosome formation in alternative autophagy. After autophasome formation, UV radiation resistance associated gene (UVRAG) and the PtdIns3K...
In situ DNA modifications by labeled nucleotides have been used to detect DNA fragmentation in what may be apoptotic cells in autopsy brains of Huntington's and Alzheimer disease patients. DNA fragmentation is also associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis....
Is autosis a subtype of autophagic cell death or does all autophagic cell death occur by autosis? Does autosis occur under other pathophysiological conditions? What are the biological and clinical implications of autosis? Programmed cell death is a highly regulated cellular response in metazoans to co...
similar to what was observed with theF. graminearum GCN5deletion mutant (Fig.2c). Nitrogen starvation is known as another approach to inactivate TOR [43]. We also found that nitrogen starvation (by using minimal medium without nitrogen, MM-N) triggered the autophagy flux and reduced the acety...
Ballesteros-Álvarez J, Andersen JK. mTORC2: the other mTOR in autophagy regulation. Aging Cell. 2021;20(8):e13431. Article Google Scholar Betz C, Hall MN. Where is mTOR and what is it doing there? J Cell Biol. 2013;203:563–74. Article CAS Google Scholar Download references ...
In 1927, Nathan Chandler Foot22 stated, in an article in the AJP, that what were then called dust cells in the lung originated from blood monocytes, not from epithelial tissue. By the mid-20th century, it was established that mononuclear phagocytes originate as myeloid cells in the bone ...
It is still unclear to what extent viruses exploit the autophagic machinery to obtain membrane anchors for their cytoplasmic replication and subvert the autophagic pathway (e.g., by stimu- lating autophagy but inhibiting autophagosome degradation) or use a partially overlapping pathway that is involved...