意大利记者通讯社(AGI)网罗马11月5日讯:巴基斯坦国际航空公司(PIA)与意大利/法国联合成立的ATR公司签署了7架ATR42-500飞机的购销协议,这些飞机将在2006-2007年间供货,以便更换巴基斯坦的F-27飞机编队。该协议价值约1亿美元。 巴基斯坦航空公司在仔细评估各种机型包括机种以及一系列有关保养、乘客仓、飞机的有效使用寿...
Designed for iPad $17.99 Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Preflight checklist (Preflight checklist ATR 42-500)is a list of tasks that it should be performed by pilots and aircrew prior to takeoff , Failure to correctly conduct a preflight check using a checklist is a major contributing factor...
PIAS Virtual present PIA ATR42-500 in new livery. Textures only for Pakistan International Airlines Aerospatiale ATR 42-500, AP-BHO. It was one of the first in the seven strong PIA ATR fleet to wear new colors. This modern technology turboprop is used by PIA domestically and on some occasi...
We accept all major credit cards from China. ATR捷克航空出租汽车42-500. 杜塞尔多夫,德国- 2017年7月22日:滚动下来滑行道的ATR 42-500捷克航空OK-KFP特写镜头在杜塞尔多夫机场 慢动作射击了120 fps 作者引用附注 ID134162377 ©Andrey Zhorov | Dreamstime.com ...
Designed for iPad ¥98.00 Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Preflight checklist (Preflight checklist ATR 42-500)is a list of tasks that it should be performed by pilots and aircrew prior to takeoff , Failure to correctly conduct a preflight check using a checklist is a major contributing ...
Airworthiness Directives; Aerospatiale Model ATR42-500 Series AirplanesDonald L. Riggin
Views 2,332 Likes 7 Badges Notes None Camera Canon Rebel SL1 | Canon 55-250mm Aircraft Reg:C-FHBX photos Aircraft: ATR 42-500 Airline:Rise Air Serial #: 576 Photo Location Saskatoon Airport - CYXE Canada Photographer Ushabh Salaria ...
圣皮埃尔航空公司于近日接收了首架ATR 42-500飞机,该飞机将在圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛境内服役。这架飞机由 SAEMAI(Société Anonyme d’Economie Mixte Aéronautique des Iles/圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛的一家综合业务公司)于2008年订购,配有新型的PW 127M引擎,并将替换已在该公司服役15年的ATR 42-320飞机。