Hieff NGS® ATAC-Seq Library Prep Kit for Illumina®是针对Illumina®高通量测序平台研发的用于ATAC-Seq实验的文库构建试剂盒,适用于100-100,000个细胞起始量的样本建库。ATAC-Seq(Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin with high-throughput sequencing)技术能够利用Tn5 转座酶识别染色质开放区域,快速有效的...
TransNGS®ATAC-Seq Library Prep Kit for Illumina®是针对Illumina高通量测序平台开发的,适用于普通哺乳动物细胞的ATAC文库构建试剂盒,所得文库可用于单端或双端测序。该试剂盒采用新型的转座酶技术,针对染色质开放区域建库测序,仅需3个小时即可完成实验。所需细胞量少,50-50000细胞的起始量均可以获得高分辨率的测...
下面的图片就是准备ATAC-seq时候需要用到的index primer (adaptor),和Nextera DNA library prep kit里的有一点类似,但是也很不同。Ad1_noMX是Forward 引物,没有index (barcode),所以只有一个。Reversed引物有24个Ad2.(1-24),所以有24组不同的index (barcode)序列。这个index序列是和Nextera一样的。我涂红色...
"I have used the ATAC-Seq kit, and it is very easy to follow and the suggestion of 10 cycles for library prep was spot on." Wing Yee Kwong Senior Technician School of Biosciences University of Nottingham ❮ ❯ FAQs ATAC-Seq Kit FAQs Is this kit the same as the original Buenrostro ...
"I have used the ATAC-Seq kit, and it is very easy to follow and the suggestion of 10 cycles for library prep was spot on." Wing Yee Kwong Senior Technician School of Biosciences University of Nottingham ❮❯ FAQs ATAC-Seq Kit FAQs ...
Vazyme TruePrep® DNA Library Prep Kit 建库原理 TruePrep Tagment Enzyme Mix (TTE Mix)中包含转座酶和两种等摩尔的接头Adapter 1和Adapter 2。将该预混液与DNA混合,55°C下孵育10 min,即可实现DNA片段化的同时末端接上接头。这种片段化产物经N5 (N5XX)和N7 (N7XX)以及P5和P7 (PCR Primer Mix, PPM)...
1. 转座酶试剂:TruePrepTM DNALibrary Prep Kit V2 for Illumina®(Vazyme TD501/TD502/503) TD501->>500 ng DNA, ATAC, 3000-30000 cells TD502: -> 50 ng DNA, 20-> 2000 cells TD503: -> 5 ng DNA 2 .建库接头 单端96种接头:TruePrepTM Index Kit V4 for Illumina® (VazymeTD204/TD205...
该研究中使用的NGS DNA建库试剂盒(目录号:N233)来自近岸蛋白,近岸蛋白的NovoNGS®DNA Library FlashPrep Kit for Illumina®已助力多篇高分文章发表,是您二代测序建库的得力助手! 该研究开发了基于单分子测序平台的单细胞ATAC-seq测序技术(如...
该研究中使用的NGS DNA建库试剂盒(目录号:N233)来自近岸蛋白,近岸蛋白的NovoNGS® DNA Library FlashPrep Kit for Illumina®已助力多篇高分文章发表,是您二代测序建库的得力助手! 该研究开发了基于单分子测序平台的单细胞ATAC-seq测序技术(如图1所示),并且探索了其在生物学问题上的应用。首先该研究利用五种人...
(Bel-Art SP Scienceware, Cat. 14–100-150). The filtered nuclei were pelleted at 500 r.c.f for 5 min in a pre-chilled fixed-angle centrifuge and then resuspended in 25 μl of 1.25 × Tagment DNA Buffer (Nextera XT Kit, Illumina Inc. FC-131–1024). For cell cultures, the...