Furthermore, cell culture assays are needed that mimic the complexity of cell to cell communication at the same time as they provide control over the different microenvironmental parameters. Here, we aim to validate a previously developed microfluidic system for an astrocyte-neuron cell culture ...
Co-cultureHypoxic stressors contribute to neuronal death in many brain diseases. Astrocyte processes surround most neurons and are therefore anatomically well-positioned to shield them from hypoxic injury. Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs), represent the sole mechanism of active reuptake of ...
Mutant superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) expression in astrocytes is selectively toxic to motor neurons in co-culture, even when mutant protein is expressed only in astrocytes and not in neurons. To examine metabolic changes in astrocyte-spinal neuron co-cultures, we carried out metabolomic analysis ...
Using co-culture systems between primary infected astrocytes and granule neurons or neuronal cell lines, we provide direct evidence that prion-infected astrocytes can disseminate prion to neurons. Though astrocytes are capable of secreting PrP, this is an inefficient method of transferring prion ...
Tri-culture media is capable of supporting neurons, astrocytes, and microglia. Representative fluorescence images of the tri- and co-cultures at DIV 7 and 14. The cultures were immunostained for the three cell types of interest: neurons—anti-βIII-tubulin (red), astrocytes—anti-GFAP (green)...
Using biochemical, molecular, and functional analyses on different primary cell culture models from BACHD mice, we observed that mHtt does not directly affect metabolic activity in a cell autonomous manner. However, coculture of neurons with astrocytes from wild-type or BACHD mice identified mutant...
Changes in the Spontaneous Calcium Oscillations for the Development of the Preconditioning-Induced Ischemic Tolerance in Neuron/Astrocyte Co-culture Changes in the spontaneous calcium oscillations for the development of the preconditioning-induced ischemic tolerance in neuron/astrocyte co-culture[J].{H}.....
Ciccarelli, R., Di Iorio, P., D'Alimonte, I., Giuliani, P., Florio, T., Caciagli, F., Middlemiss, P.J., Rathbone, M.P.: Cultured astrocyte proliferation induced by extracellular guanosine involves endoge- nous adenosine and is raised by the co-presence of microglia. Glia 29, 202...
This co-culture design was used to study the interactions between two populations of neural cells, such as neuron–neuron and neuron–astrocyte interactions (Figure 1b). As shown in Figure 1b, the microfluidic devices were small and portable. These devices were designed with biologists' needs ...
In the indirect co-culture, glial inserts were added on top of the purified neurons, allowing only factor diffusion. (b, c, h, i) Representative images of MAP2+ staining in WT-N and TG-N cultured alone or in the presence (or not) of mild oxidative stress (H2O2, 0.5 μM). (d–...